Biostats Flashcards
Nominal Correlation Test
Contingency Coefficient
Ordinal Correlation Test
Spearman Correlation
Interval Correlation Test
Pearson Correlation (only tests for linear correlation)
Key words when looking for a survival tests?
Events over TIME, or time-to-events
Nominal Survival Test
Log-Rank Test
Ordinal Survival Test
Cox-Proportional Hazards Test
Interval Survival Test
Kaplan-Meier Curve
What type of tests are Kaplan-Meier Curve & Pearson Correlation?
Interval Survival & Interval Correlation
What are the key words for a regression?
Nominal Regression Test
Logistic Regression
Ordinal Regression Test
Multinominal Logistic Regression
Interval Regression Test
Linear Regression
Log Rank test, Logistic Regression, Contingency Coefficient?
Nominal Data
Nominal data with 2 groups of independent data
Pearsons (Chi-Square Test)
Nominal data with over 3 groups of independent data
Chi square test of independence
Nominal data with over 2 groups, with expected cell count over 5.
Fisher Exact Test
2 groups of paired/related of Nominal Data
McNemar Test
Over 3 groups of Paired/Related Data
Ordinal Data 2 groups of independent
Mann-Whitney Test
Ordinal data over 3 groups of independent data
Kruskal-Wallis Test
Ordinal data 2 groups of paired
Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test
> 3 groups of paired ordinal data
Friedman Test
Key words for paired or related data?
Pre vs post OR before vs after OR baseline vs end
Ordinal Data: post hoc tests for 3 or more group comparisons
Student-Newman-Keul Test
Dunnett Test
Dunn Test
Interval data: 2 groups of independent Data
Student t-test
Interval data: >3 groups of independent data
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Multiple Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)
Interval data: Over 3 groups of independent data w/ confounders
Analysis of Co-Variance (ANCOVA)
Multiple Analysis of Co-Variance (MANCOVA)
Interval Data: 2 groups of paired/related data
Paired t test
> 3 groups of paired/related data
Repeated measures ANOVA
Repeated Measures MANOVA
> 3 groups of paired/related data w/ confounders
Repeated measures ANOVA
Repeated Measures MANOVA
Interval Data: Post Hoc 3 or more group comparisons
Student-Newman-Keu Test Dunnett Test Dunn Test Tukey or Scheffe Tests Bonferroni Correlation
What is a Type 1 error?
- Rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually true, and you should have accepted it
- There is no difference between groups, but you think there is
What is a Type 2 error?
- Not rejecting the null hypothesis when it is false, and you should have rejected it
- there is a difference