Biopsychology Flashcards
Localisation of function in the brain
Strength: support from neurosurgery
Strength: brain scan evidence
Counter: lashley’s rats - learning distributed holistic
Limitation: language localisation model has been questioned
Extra: case study evidence, phineas gage, but relied on friends to report, not controlled (may have bad mood for other reasons), not generalisable
Extra: plasticity supports holistic theory, brain works together as whole, damage to left means right side compensated and becomes stronger eg for language
Hemispheric Lateralisation and split brain research
Strength: lateralised brain functions in neurotypical brains
Limitation: idea of analysed versus synthesiser brain may be wrong (they have different functions but we do not have a dominant side creating a different personality)
Extra: lateralisation vs plasticity
Limitation: Kim Peek, had language centres in both hemispheres, theory too simplistic, every brain is different
Strength: support from more recent split-brain studies
Limitation: causal relationships are hard to establish (might be due to epilepsy, confounding variable) and only 11 P’s
Extra: ethics
Plasticity and functional recovery of brain
Limitation: possible negative behavioural consequences eg drugs
Strength: real world application, neurorehabilitation
Limitation: related to cognitive reserve, Schneider, 40% = 16+, 10% = 12- achieved disability free recovery
Strength: case study evidence, Gabby Gifford, survived an assassination attempt in 2011, shot in head within months could walk with supervision, read, speak
Strength: life long ability
Extra: seasonal brain changes, done on animals though