Biophysics exam Flashcards
1: Results of a measurement
the number of the given magnitude
the unit
the estimated error
1: Errors
systematic error: fault in equipment = accuracy
Random error: lack in precision = precise
1: accuracy and precision
accuracy: how close to the real value the experiment is (low systematic error)
precision: how close the values are to each other (low random error)
1: SI-system, fundamental quantities
Lenght (l), units= meter (m) luminous intensity (lo) = candela (cd) electric current (l) = ampere (A)
2: Macro and micro transport
macro: large molecules + large distances = carried in tubes and vessels
micro: small amounts, short distances = diffusion
2: Archimedes principle
and object in a fluid experiences an upward movement (buoyant force)
buoyant force = sum of forces due to fluid pressure
2: Flow of ideal fluid
Ideal fluid is incompressible and without friction
2: macro and micro transport measurement
Pressure (P) = F/A (F= force, A=unit area) Density (p) = m/V (m=mass, V= volume) Newtons secound law: F= m*a (m=mass, a= accelleration)
2: Flow rate
the volume of a fluid flowing past a point in a tube per unit of time
streamline flow: line of stream, does not mix or swirl =predictable
flow tube: the wall of the tube is made of streamlines no flow in / out of tube, flow rate (Q) is the same at all points of the tube
2: Bernoullis equation
velocity depends on pressure and hight
NB: whem flow increases, pressure will drcrease
2: Fluid at rest
Fluid at rest at the bottom of a container will bear the weight of the fluid above, bc the fuid has no speed (v)
2: Manometer (measure of pressure)
Fluid in a U-shaped tube, one end attached to a sealed container. diff. in hights= calculate pressure
Bl. pr. measurement by cannulation
Like a manometer, artery workes as sealed container, diff. in hights = pressure
Pblood= Patm+pgh-psgh’
2: Role of gravity in circulation
when standing = pressure diff. in diff. parts of body
when lying= equal
brain needs the flow rate to be constant
Pf= Ph+pghh=Pb+psghb ( see drawing ppt)
2: dynamic consequences
velocity high -> low pressure
velocity constant, area smaller -> high pressure
3: Flow of viscous fluids (n)
thick, sticky consistency w/ internal friction
depends on fluid temp. high temp= less viscosity
3: newtons flow
you move upper plate at constant speed, the force needed to move.
see equation
3: Laminar fow
often laminar when the velosity is low, when all layers move in almost the same speed.
3: Parabolic velocity profile
the velocity is higher in the middle, then decreases towards the walls where it is 0
see eq.
3: Poiseuilles law
high viscosity leades to low flow rate
flow rate is proportional to the pressure
flow rate is proportional to R4, and extremely dependent o the radius of the tube
3: Power of maintaining a flow
Needs continous work, power must be equal to the power taken by the friction bw the wall and the fluid
4: turbulent flow
above a critical pressure the laminar flow becomes turbulent and unpredictable
more work is required to maintain flow rate
4: Reynolds number
is used to clculate if the flow is laminar or turbulent.
bigger than 3000 = turbulent
less than 2000 = laminar
bw 2000-3000= unstable
4: Measurement of bl. pr. by sphyngomanometer
block brachial artery. Use stetoscope, let more and more air ot of the band around the arm, the pressure will decrease more and more and you can hear the turbulent flow as a tapping sound.
increase pr. until you reach systolic pr, then let out air until you reach diastolic pr.
4: Viscous drag froce
forces that tries to retard an object in a flow
layer next to the object is at rest
object moves, friction bw the two closest layers
Fd= v*n
(v=velocity, n= viscosity)
4: terminal viscosity
knowing velocity, size and density of the liquid we an calculate the viscosity using strokes law
4: Hesslers viscometer
if an object is moving to it’s terminal veloity, it’s speed is constant due to the restraining force of exerted by the fluid/air
vwater/vblood= nwater/nblood
4: Hopplers viscometer
sphere of known size and density is allowed to decend through the liquid of a vertical glass tube
when it reaches it’s terminal velocity which can be measured by the time it uses to pass 2 markers on the tube
5: Transmural pressure
the pressure exerted against the wall of the blood vessels
5: the law of laplace
tension in the walls are related to the radius of the tube and the pressure inside the tube
5: indicator diagram
describes the corresponding changes in volume and pressure in a system
5: flow in elastic tubes
increase pressure -> increase radius -> increase flow rate
elastic wall steals some kinetic energy of the blood into the elastic energy of the expansion and contraction of the wall.
more fluid can flow through an elastic tube than a rigid one
5: newtonian fluids and pseudoplatic fluids
newtonians = air + urine pseudoplastic= have a change in viscosity when accelerating depending on the str. of the molecules, but later the viscosity becomes constant. Ketchup effect!
6: Diffusion
a spontaneous process where molecules migrate / flow from high concentration to low concentration.
6: Ficks first law
describes the transport rate of a substance by diffusion
6: diffusion properties
high temp. -> increased diffusion rate
bigger size molecules -> lower diff. rate
increased viscosity -> lower diff. rate
6: Ficks secound law
Describes the diffusion change over time
6: time course simple diff.
the longer time -> lower diff.
6: Gas exchange
diff. of o2 through 1 nm mem. takes 250 ns. Blood is connected to the mem. for 0,3 sec.
7: Osmosis
Diffusion of water through a semipermeable mem. from higheter conc. of water to lower conc. of water
7: Van’t hofff’s law
dilute sol., ex. sugar molecules act like ideal gases. ideal gas law can be applied
7: isotonic sol.
equal conc. no flow of water.
ex. NaCl (0.15M or 0,9%)
7: Hypotonic sol.
Inner sol. has lower water content, water flows in.
ex. red blood cell. will rupture = hemolysis
7: Hypertonic sol.
outer sol. has lower water cont., water flows out.
ex. red blood cell. will shrink = plasmolysis
7: measurement of osmotic pressure
direct: measurement of hight diff. in a cylinder
indirect: can be calculated by measuring conc. which can be measure by change in freezing point (decrease) or boiling point (increase)
8: Str. of the cell mem.
lipid bilayer. hydrophobic and hydrophillic ends. tran. ions and molecules in/out of cell
8: Passive diff.
Does not require energy. Mem. contains small pores, where some particles are allowed to pass.
8: Mem. permeability
Semipermeable = selectively for diff. mol.
larger diffusion constant = faster diff.
thickness of mem. pays role in speed
use can dertermine permeability using ficks law
8: correlation bw mem. permeability and lipid solubility
porportional to eachother
greater sol in lipids -> passes more quickly
8: prpoerties of facilitated diffsion
can be inhibited
8: active transport
needs energy atp->adp
ex. sodium potassium pump
against conc. gradient
9: Sedimentation
depends on the radius of the sphere
used to differentiate substances (very slowly), but in a centrifuge = faster
in abcense of viscous drag force= the fall of the object in independent of their size
in presence of viscous drag froce= fall is not independent of size bc velocity depends on density and size
9: Centrifugation
rotation of an object gives an outgoing force, a centripetal acceleration
bigger particl moves faster than a small one-> higher svedbergs value
denser particle moves faster than a less dense one
denser sol. -> particle moves slower
bigger fractional coefficient -> moves slower
9: ultracentrifuges
extremly high angular velocity
analytical= determine conc. distibution at any time of the experiment (contains motor, rotor, armoured chamber and photographic system)
preparative= require fractination of the contents of the centrifuge cell and measurement of the conc. of each fraction to determine a concrete destribution
9: det. of mol. mass by sedimentation-diffusion
sedimentation experiment is preformed
sed. coefisient is measured
final calc. of mol. weight we use the experemental value of diffusion constant d
9: det. of mol. mass by edimentation equilibrium
low speed centrifugation where the sedimentation is in equilibrium with the counter acting diffusion
direct det. of molecular mass
9: density gradient centrifugation
separate particles w/ diff. density
a medium that changes the densiry is usned during centrifugation followed by a boltzman destribution.
medium can be heavy metal salts
during the centri. diff. partiles will group up due to diff. in density in the sol. heavy particles will be further away from the centre
10: consept of light ray
light is represented by geometric lines
crossing light rays does not influence eachother- independent
don’t need any medium to propagate
path of light ray is reversable
10: reflection and refraction
reflect: throw back without absorbing it
on smooth surface the incident ray and the reflected ray has the same angle
refraction: make ray change dir when it enters an angle. angle of reflected ray depneds on the medium
index of refraction: measurement of how the medium reflects the light. index of refraction depends on the wavelenght
10: snell’s law
ratio of the series of angles of incidence and refraction is a constant that depends on the wavelenght
10: total reflection
none of the incident rays enters the second medium
angle of reflection = 90 degrees
incident angle = critical angle
no energy loss
appears when the angle of refraction is bigger than the angle of incidens
10: light pipes
total reflection is used in fiber optics
ray can travel great lenghts bounching off the wall of the pipe medium without loosing strenght/engery
smaller radius of pipe = better light transport
10: light path in parallel slab
angle will not change when the ray leaves the slab
ray will be shifted laterally depending on the thickness of the slab
10: refraction in a prism
snells law
wall of prism has an angle, light will be bent according to snells law
10: dispersion of light
index of refraction depends on the wavelenght of the refracted light
more refracted light= higher index og refraction
suitable to prod. monochromatic light.
white light will leave the prism in diff. colors
11: Optical image formation
If diverging light rays from a point called object, or the continuations of these rays are crossing eachother after series of reflection / refraction, the crossing point is called the image of the object
11: real and virtual images
viritual : the image is not where it is supposed to be
ex. mirror, the image appears to be behind the mirror, only the continuation ofthe light ays cross each other
real: an image where the object is where it seems to be. waves are coming from the loation of the object
object is real if the rays actually pass through the image point
11: objects
most of them = real, rays comes from location of object
viritual objects occur in multicomponent system with two lenses or mirrors
11: plane mirror
simplest image forming device
rule of reflection is followed- image distance
11: thin spherical lenses
small thickness compared to radius
converging/convex lenses= bends rays towards axis
diverging/concave lenses= bends rays away from axis
11: focal point of lens
focal point of converging lens= in front of it (pos. value)
focal point of diverging lens= behind it (neg. value)
focal point= the point where the rays meet after passing through the convex lens.
shorter focal lenght= stronger lens
12: Image formation by lenses
Light rays from very distant points hit paralell with the axis of the lens and form an image at the focal point
rays from other ponits froms images whose locations can be found graphically or lgebraically if the focal lenght of the lens is known
12: Ray tracking method
1: rays going parallel to the axis of the lens and then hit the focal point
2: rays going through the center of the lens does not change dir. (like a thin slab)
3: rays goig through the focal point on the image side and emerge from the lens parallel to the axis
12: thin lens formula
calc. the image dist.
12: power of a lens
f=focal lenght, unit: diopter 1/m
12: Combination of thin lenses
the image of the first lens workes as the object for the next lens
if lenses are in close contact we can add up their power
1/f=1/f1+1/f2 ect. or P=p1+p2
12: Lens aberrations
Spherical aberrations= diff. focal points of rays
Chromatic aberrations= diff. wavelenght, diff. refraction
Astigmatism= lens does not focus the circular light bea to a point, but prod. two images at diff. distances
12: thick lenses
two refraction points
to make an image = you have to devide the lens into two principal planes (each side of the axis) where the ray bends
has 6 cardinal points = 2x focal points, 2x principal planes , 2x nodal points
12: ray tracking (thick lenses)
use the cardinal points, light path inside lens can be ignored