bionics Flashcards
What is the purpose of spike sorting in neuroscience?
a) To measure electrical activity in muscles
b) To classify and distinguish neural spikes from background noise
c) To monitor heart rate variability
d) To record temperature fluctuations
Correct Answer: b) To classify and distinguish neural spikes from background noise
What type of recording measures single-neuron activity within the brain?
a) Extracellular recording
b) Intracellular recording
c) Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
d) Electroencephalography (EEG)
Correct Answer: b) Intracellular recording
What is the main challenge addressed by clustering in spike sorting?**
a) Amplifying signals
b) Grouping similar spikes
c) Enhancing data storage capacity
d) Reducing the radius of detection
Correct Answer**: b) Grouping similar spikes
What does PCA stand for in the context of feature extraction?**
a) Principal Component Analysis
b) Peripheral Control Algorithm
c) Pattern Clustering Application
d) Predictive Coding Architecture
Correct Answer: a) Principal Component Analysis
- Which part of the spike sorting workflow involves determining when a spike occurred?**
a) Spike detection
b) Feature extraction
c) Alignment
d) Classification
Correct Answer: a) Spike detection
What is a typical output of a spike sorting algorithm?**
a) Brain wave images
b) Classified neural spike events
c) Signal-to-noise ratio reports
d) Neural tissue samples
Correct Answer: b) Classified neural spike events
What does the term ‘windowing’ refer to in spike detection?**
a) A method to clean raw data
b) Segmenting signals to isolate individual spikes
c) Grouping neural signals into clusters
d) Visualizing neural patterns
Correct Answer**: b) Segmenting signals to isolate individual spikes
What determines the radius of detection in neural recording?**
a) Electrode impedance
b) Signal amplification
c) Electrode positioning
d) Signal bandwidth
Correct Answer**: c) Electrode positioning
How is dimensionality reduction achieved in PCA?**
a) By clustering similar neural spikes
b) By minimizing the noise in the data
c) By projecting data onto fewer orthogonal axes
d) By increasing the sampling rate
Correct Answer**: c) By projecting data onto fewer orthogonal axes
What role does amplification play in extracellular recording?**
a) Enhances the energy of the neuron
b) Increases the radius of detection
c) Strengthens weak electrical signals
d) Reduces noise in neural signals
Correct Answer**: c) Strengthens weak electrical signals
What is one key feature used in clustering neural spikes?**
a) Time of spike occurrence
b) Waveform shape
c) Neural tissue type
d) Electrode material
Correct Answer**: b) Waveform shape
What is the purpose of feature extraction in spike sorting?**
a) Cleaning raw neural data
b) Reducing dimensionality for clustering
c) Increasing spike detection sensitivity
d) Enhancing electrode impedance
Correct Answer**: b) Reducing dimensionality for clustering
How does alignment improve spike detection?**
a) By synchronizing spikes across multiple electrodes
b) By eliminating noise from the signals
c) By adjusting spikes to a common temporal reference
d) By amplifying weaker signals
Correct Answer**: c) By adjusting spikes to a common temporal reference
Which recording method detects electrical brain activity using scalp electrodes?**
a) Intracellular recording
b) Extracellular recording
c) EEG
d) MEG
Correct Answer**: c) EEG
What does MUA stand for in neural recordings?**
a) Multi-Unit Activity
b) Manual User Adjustment
c) Modular Unit Analysis
d) Multiple Unsupervised Algorithms
Correct Answer**: a) Multi-Unit Activity
What are extracellular recordings primarily used for?**
a) Measuring intracellular activity
b) Detecting action potentials outside the neuron
c) Studying synaptic clefts
d) Imaging brain structures
Correct Answer**: b) Detecting action potentials outside the neuron
Which component of spike sorting involves grouping spikes into categories?**
a) Alignment
b) Feature extraction
c) Clustering
d) Signal amplification
Correct Answer**: c) Clustering
What is an advantage of Principal Component Analysis (PCA)?**
a) Reduces computation time by removing noise
b) Simplifies data visualization and interpretation
c) Increases the number of dimensions
d) Enhances neural signal amplitude
Correct Answer**: b) Simplifies data visualization and interpretation
What is a common limitation of extracellular recording?**
a) Poor temporal resolution
b) Limited spatial resolution
c) Difficulty detecting intracellular activity
d) High risk of electrode damage
Correct Answer**: b) Limited spatial resolution
What kind of waveform is typically used for clustering?**
a) Square wave
b) Sinusoidal wave
c) Action potential waveform
d) Beta wave
Correct Answer**: c) Action potential waveform