Biomolecules Flashcards
Preperation of glucose + reactions
From sucrose , From starch
5 Reaction of glucose
- w/ HI , heat
- w/ hydroxylamine, w/ HCN
- w/ mild OA
- w/ strong OA
- acetylation
glucose + w/ HI , heat
glucose + w/ hydroxylamine, w/ HCN
glucose + w/ mild OA
glucose + w/ strong OA
acetylation of glucose
structure of glucose (normal, alpha, beta, haworth of glucopyranose)
Structure of Fructose (normal, alpha, beta, haworth of fructofuranose)
Structure of sucrose
Structure of Maltose
Structure of Amylose
Structure of Amyloceptin
Structure of cellulose
Strucutre of amino acids
Classifical of amino acids + physical properties
essential and non-essential
colourless, crystalline solids that are water soluble and high melting
opticall active (excpt glycine) in d and l , mostly l (nh2 on left)
Zwitter ion formation + nature
cooh losses proton, nh2 accepts proton , neutral overall
Structure of proteins + explain peptide bond formation
reaction between 2 molecules of similar or diff amino acids through combination of amino groupd of 1 and carboxyl group of another and results in elimination of h2o molecule and formation of peptide bond (co=nh)
Classification of proteins + explain
fibrous, globular
Denaturation of protein
When a protein in its native form is subjected to change in temperature of chemical change (like ph), H-bonds are disturbed - globules unforl, helix gets uncoiled and protein losses its biological activity. This is denaturation of protein
1 deg -> intact ; 2 and 3 deg -> destroyed
Use of enzymes
bio catalyst ; are globular protein ; reduces Ea barrier ( magnitude of activation energy)
What are vitams + classification
vitamins are organic compounds required in small amounts to perform specific biological functions for normal maintenance of optimum growth & health of organism
fat soluble : A,D,E,K
water soluble : B , C
What are nucleic acids + types
RNA & DNA structure + bases
Nucleoside & Nucleotide structure + Phosphodiester link
What are hormones