Biomechanics Flashcards
How do some metazoans (e.g. turbellarians and gastropods) move?
Propulsive forces are generated by the movement of cellular organelles (cilia).
What are two examples of the persistence of flagellae in metazoans?
Choanocytes and spermatozoa.
What is an example of amoeboid activity in various cell types?
Phagocytic blood cells.
How are most forces generated in metazoans?
By contraction forces, shortening of specific muscles or muscle layers.
What are cilia and flagella formed of?
A cylindrical array of 9 filaments within which a complete microtubule extends to the tip of the cilium and a partial microtubule that does not extend as far into the tip. Cross-bridges of the motor protein dynein extend form the complete microtubule of one filament to the partial microtubule of the adjacent filament.
What is the ‘9+2’ arrangement?
The arrangement in cilia where a pair of single microtubules run through the centre of a bundle of 9 long and short microtubules.
What are cilia encased in?
A membrane that is an extension of the plasma membrane.
What are the similarities between the sliding filament model and the sliding microtubules of cilia?
Both are powered by ATP.
Dyein (like myosin) is the ATPase.
Both are regulated by calcium ions.
How do metazoan muscles work?
They are powered by ATP. Usually they act on some type of skeleton.
What do muscles attach to in vertebrates?
They attach to and work in conjunction with a bony internal skeleton.
What do muscles attach to in hard-bodied invertebrates?
A rigid exoskeleton.
What do muscles attach to in soft-bodied invertebrates?
Muscle layers act on a hydrostatic skeleton (fluid-filled body compartment). The segmentation in annelids acts like boiler stays, allowing the musculature to exert much greater pressure.
What are the different ways of swimming?
Cilia and flagellae propelled (protozoa, macroalgal gametes, larvae & some meiofauna).
Wave-like undulations (worms.
Fluid propulsion (medusoid coelenterates, cephalopods and pectinid bivalves)
Flattened appendages (decapod crustaceans, fish, cetaceans & pinnipeds.)
What are the types of movement on or in a substratum?
Ciliary creeping & gliding (platyhelminthes and molluscs)
Peristaltic waves (annelids, echiurans, sipunculans & molluscs)
Looping (hirudinea & rotifers)
Walking (polychaetes & echinoderms)
Running (arthropods)
Jumping (crustaceans & gastropods)
Burrowing (nemerteans, annelids, sipunculans & echiurans.)
How do unicellular organisms move?
By changing shape using sliding elements in the cytoskeleton, e.g. amoebae crawling using psuedopodia, or swim using cilia/flagellae.
How do organisms combine functionality of locomotion?
Some crustaceans use rhythmic motion of thoracic appendages for walking and gas exchange.
Where is convergent evolution seen in locomotion?
Undulatory (sinusoidal) swimming is seen in certain nematode worms as well as marine polychaetes.
What forces effect movement in water?
Inertial forces must be overcome to start movement. To continue, friction, drag and gravity must be overcome.
How is the relative importance of the forces decided?
By size of the animal - this scales the effects.
What are the most important constraints in terms of movement in water?
The two main forms of drag - viscous and pressure.
How are drag effects quantified?
Using Reynolds number (Re.) Re =Vo.Lx(p/u) where Vo = incident velocity, Lx = foil length, p = density and u = viscosity.
How do high (>200,000) Re numbers affect organisms?
They tend to be larger and faster moving and create turbulent flows in their wakes, which produces low pressure that tends to hold them back - pressure drag. This can be reduced by streamlining –> the classic fusiform shape.
What flow occurs at low Re numbers, and what forces are dominant?
Laminar flow, where viscous drag/forces are dominant. Characterised by smooth, constant fluid motion.
What flow occurs at high Re numbers, and what forces are dominant?
Turbulent flow, where pressure drag/inertia forces are dominant. They then to produce chaotic eddies, vortices and other flow instabilities.
What is Gray’s paradox?
Sir James Gray calculated that the apparent power output of fast-swimming fish and cetaceans was insufficient for them to swim at the fast speeds that were observed in vivo. It was later shown that there was an error in his calculations.
How does the skin of cetaceans reduce drag?
The compliance and wrinkling of their skin delays water flowing over it, reducing drag and turbulence.
What is frictional drag?
The most important source of drag in fast-swimming fish e.g. sharks. It is caused by the friction created by the skin and the boundary layer. This type of drag can be reduces if the boundary layer maintains a turbulent flow.
How do sharks reduce frictional drag?
They reduce it by inducing turbulence at innumerable sharp edges. All fast swimming sharks have sharp-edged riblets on their skin created by their denticles.
What are the three types of movement through sediment?
Hard-bodied ‘Diggers’, e.g. crustaceans, echinoids. Soft-bodied ‘burrowers’ e.g coelenterates, molluscs and veriform taxa. Also, specialised ‘drillers’ able to bore through soft rock and wood.
How do barnacles adhere so firmly to their substrate?
The shape and ribbing of the base plate increases the adhesion of a protein glue that is coded for the same gene as mammalian blood clotting Factor XIII.
What is dynein and what does it do?
It is the contractile protein that links microtubules in cilia and uses ATP to produce bending of the cilium/flagellum.
What are pseudopodia and where are they found in metazoa?
They are extensions of cells that have amoeboid locomotion, such as phagocytic blood cells.
Name three types of skeleton.
Exo- and endo-skeletons and hydrostatic skeletons.
What does Reynolds’ number describe?
Drag effects on the fluid flow over an animal. Low Re = laminar flow, high Re = turbulent flow.
What links barnacle glue to blood clotting in mammals?
It is coded for by the same gene that is associated with Factor XIII.