Biomechanical Approach Flashcards
knowing where your body is in space without looking, needed for smooth coordinated movements
identifying an object with touch only, vision occluded
awareness of the position and movement (direction; how fast; force) of the parts of the body by means of sensory organs (proprioceptors) in the muscles and joints
screening out other things around to pick one object
Biomechanical Practice Model
applied to people with LROM, decreased muscle strength and/or endurance, intact CNS
Focus is on performance skills in motor and sensory areas and regaining skills in areas of occupation
Biomechanical Treatment
Prevention and maintenance- body mechanics, joint protection techniques, splints, positioning.
Restoration-increase ROM, muscle strength, endurance and stability.
Manual Muscle Testing Scores
0: None
1,Trace: No motion, palpable/visible contraction
2-,Poor-: < full ROM, gravity eliminated
2,Poor: Full ROM, gravity eliminated
2+,Poor+: Full ROM, gravity eliminated, Min resist
3-,Fair-: < full ROM, agnst gravity
3,Fair: Full ROM, agnst gravity
3+, Fair+: Full ROM, agnst gravity, Min resist
4,Good: Full ROM, agnst gravity, Mod resist
5,Norm: Full ROM, agnst gravity, Max resist
Shoulder Flexion/Extension
flx 0-180 ext 0-40 to 60
Shoulder ABD/ADD
ABD 0-180 ADD 180-0
Shoulder Horizontal ABD/ADD
Horiz ABD 0-45 Horiz ADD 0-90
Shoulder Internal/External Rotation
0-90 both
Elbow Flexion/Extension
FLX 0- 135-150 EXT 0
Forearm Supination/Pronation
SUP 0-90 PRO 0-90
Wrist Flexion/Extension
FLX 0-90 EXT 0-70
Ulnar/Radial Deviation
ULN 0-35 RAD 0-25
MCP 0-90
PIP 0-120
DIP 0-80
Thumb MCP/IP Flexion
Thumb MCP 0-50 Thumb IP 0-90
Edema assessment
Significant change in edema would be more than 10ml
Sensation Testing
Demo testing w/vision, then vision occluded
Test uninvolved side first
SCI tested proximal to distal following dermatomes
Neurological disorders assess for dermatome pattern
Peripheral nerve injuries tested distal to proximal.
Assess order: pain, moving touch, static light touch, and touch localization
Purdue Pegboard
Test of fingertip dexterity and assembly job simulation
Scoring: 30sec test is the # of pins placed on board in 30sec. Assembly is the # of parts assembled in 1min
Minnesota Manual Dexterity Test
test of gross hand and arm movements
Scoring: time to complete board.
O’Connor Tweezer Test
Test of eye-hand coordination
Scoring: # of pins in board using tweezers
Crawford Small Parts Dexterity Test
Test fine motor dexterity using small tools
Scoring: time to complete assembly