Biomaterials Exam I Review Flashcards
Aufbau Principles
The lower energy states before the higher ones. No energy state can be occupied by more than 2 electrons (Pauli exclusion), each need their own spin.
Periods on the Periodic Table
Groups on the Periodic Table
Ionic Bond formation
Primary bond. Involves the sharing/transfer of electrons. Occurs with large electronegativity differences.
Ionic bond properties
Nondirectional, so they are very brittle, they will shatter rather than deform.
Covalent bond formation
Primary bond where both atoms are electronegative and the electrons are shared. Orbitals hybridize.
Sigma bond
Part of a covalent bond. Short bond lying on the internuclear axis that allows rotation.
Pi bond
Part of a covalent bond. Bond because of orbital overlap, prevents rotation.
Metallic bond formation
Electropositive ion cores surrounded by a sea of electrons (negative)
Metallic bond properties
Nondirectional, easier to deform. High electrical conductivity because electrons can easily move.
Van de Waals
Secondary bond. Arise from dipoles, albeit permanent, polar-induced, or fluctuations
Hydrogen Bond
Secondary bond. X~H-Y, where X and Y are F, O, or N. Very important for synthetic polymers and biomolecules.
Single Crystal Materials (Crystalline)
Periodic and Repeated arrangement of atoms that is perfect throughout the entire specimen (ex. NaCl)
Polycrystalline Materials
Collection of many small crystals or grains, whose size and number play a role in material properties.
Amorphous Materials
Lacks a systematic and regular atomic arrangement over large atomic distances
Braggs Law and Diffraction
Used constructive and destructive interference to determine the crystallinity of a material. n(gamma)=2dsinØ. When constructive interference: crystalline. Crystalline material has narrow distinct X-ray diffraction peaks compared to amorphous.
Metal Classification
Metallic bonding, simple crystal structure, e.g., carbon material
Ceramics Classification
Combo of ionic or covalent bonding with a complicated crystal structure or amorphous, e.g., glass
Polymers Classification
Primarily Covalent bonding. In thermoplastics secondary bonds hold it together, where in thermosets covalent cross linking holds. e.g., composite materials
Structure-Property Relationship
Composition does not equal property. Atomic arrangement can create a different crystal e.g., diamond and graphite
Crystallinity effects on opacity?
Polycrystallinity increases opacity
Crystallinity effects on degradation/corrosion?
Low crystallinity and more grain boundaries means a faster degradation for ceramics/polymers and low metal corrosion resistance
Ultimate tensile strength (uts)
The highest amount of stress a material can withstand.
Fracture stress
Point that a brittle material breaks.
Yield Stress
The point at which a ductile material’s stress stain graph is no longer linear
Youngs Modulus
Stress over strain for the linear part
Ductility strain
The point at which the effects are no longer reversible (plastic deformation occurs)
Structures fail due to cyclic stresses that are lower than UTS. One of the biggest challenges in biomaterials. Run fatigue tests before insertion for load-bearing materials. If not load bearing, make sure the biomaterial matches the native tissue mechanical properties.
Substance composed of molecules which have long sequences of one or more atom species or groups of atoms linked by primary (most often covalent) bonds
Thermoplastic Polymers
Linear and branches structures. Can be melted with heat and reshaped/molded. Semicrystalline or amorphous.
Cross-linked, rigid/rubbery. Intractable and cannot be melted and molded, it will decompose/melt with heat
Polymers from the polymerization of a single monomer with ‘n’ degrees of polymerization
Polymers whose molecules have more than one type of repeat unit
Statistical copolymers
The sequential distribution of repeat units that obeys statistical laws
Random Copolymer
A ‘true random’ with no order whatsoever
Alternating copolymer
Specific repeated sequence for more than one type of monomer
Graft copolymer
Branches polymers with the branch having a different composition from the main chain
Block copolymer
Repeat units that exist in blocks of the same type. Can be manipulated to make channels, etc.
Step-growth polymerization
polymerization in which the chain grows step wise between any two molecular species, can grow on either side of the chain. Occurs through condensation reactions.
Chain-growth polymerization
Polymerization in which a polymer chain only grows by the reaction of monomers with a reactive end group on one end of the chain. Started by an indicator and is a fast reaction. Occurs by reaction with a free radical. Common imitators: AIBN (light), and benzoyl peroxide (∆)
Draw the polyester making process
nHO-R-OH + nHOOC-R’-COOH -> H(O-R-OCO-R’-CO)OH + (2n-1)H2O
Draw the polyamide making process
nNH2-R-NH2 + nHOOC-R’-COOH -> H)NH-R-NH-CO-R’-CO)OH + (2n-1)H2O
Free Radical Polymerization Termination, Combination
2 radicals combine together to form a pairing
Free Radical Polymerization Termination, Disproportionation
Creates a double bond in the chain, chain length does not grow
Anionic Polymerization
Active center has an ionic charge (no termination step), retains end groups, adding monomers will make the chain grow more. Can be used to make block copolymers
Draw polypropylene
Draw Polystyrene
Polytetrafluroethylene (PTFE), TEFLON
Poly(methyl methacrylate) PMMA, Plexiglass
Number average molar mass. sum(NiMi)/sum(Ni)
Weight-average molar mass. sum(NiMi^2)/sum(NiMi)
Polydispersity Index, Mw/Mn
Number-average degree of polymerization. Mn/Mo
Weight-average degree of polymerization, Mw/Mo
End Group Analysis
A way to measure molecular weight. Use titrations to measure n groups, but this only works for very particular molecules
Gel permeation chromatography (GPC)
Size exclusion column. Dilute polymers are run through a column of porous beads. The high MW molecules cannot bind and elute first, the lower MW molecules pass elute later
MaChain entanglement, IMF summation, and the time scale of motion (Slower polymer motion)ss Spectroscopy
Another way to determine the molecular weight. Samples become charged as they are passed through an electric field, and they go a specific path based on their weight
What makes polymers unique? (3 answers)
- Chain entanglement
- Summation of IMFs
- The time scale of motion (slower polymer motion)
Crystal unit cell
Smallest part of a lattice that determines the 3D nature of the crystal
Are polymers crystalline?
No, either semicrystalline or amorphous
Branches effect on crystallinity?
Cross-links effect on crystallinity?
Big end groups effect on crystallinity
Effect of an irregular side group on crystallinity?
If the side group is small, no effect (ex. F), if big, decrease crystallinity
When the end groups face the same way (highly crystalline)
When the end groups oppose on another on the chain (highly crystalline)
When the end groups are random on the chain, amorphous (not crystalline)
Increasing polymer IMF, _____ Crystallinity
Increase. Polymers are more tightly packed
Polymer Quenching -> ______ Crystallinity
Decreases. The quick heat/cool process can make the crystals have many different mechanical properties
Polymer Annealing -> ________ Crystallinity
Increases. The long term heat makes the polymer become more ductile and less brittle.
Drawing -> _____ Crystallinity
Die forces reduced orientation of amorphous structure, increases crystallinity
Melting transition
Primary thermotransition. Enough energy to overcome overall chain motion to overcome secondary bonds. Discontinuous heat graph
Glass transition
Amorphous material only. When the molecule has enough energy to cause molecular motion around the polymer backbone. Temperature at which a glassy polymer becomes rubbery, molecular motion of amorphous regions around the backbone
Tg above room temperature
Glassy material
Tg below room temperature
Rubbery material
Backbone effect on Tg?
Flexible backbone low Tg. Rigid backbone has a high Tg (double, triple bonds)
Pendent groups effect on Tg?
Increased steric hinderance -> less flexible -> lower Tg
IMF effect on Tg?
Higher IMFs, higher Tg
Crosslinking effect on Tg?
Increase cross linking, increase IMFs, increase Tg
Plasticizer effect on Tg?
Plasticizer is a small molecule that can be added during the polymer process, missile and fills in volume within the chain, lowers Tg
True or False: glass transition temp is always lower than melting transition temp
True! Tg=(0.5-0.8)Tm
The longer the side chain, the ____ the Tg
Lower, because it is now acting as items that take up a lot of space, plasticizers can fit in
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
Can measure the thermal transition. Sample on a heater with a reference pan, measures ex/endo heat flow.
Fiber polymer examples:
KelvarTM/Nylon. Linear and brittle, no curve in stress/strain graph
Glass polymer examples:
polystryene (PS), PMMA, linear with a quick breaking point (compared to fiber polymers)
Semi-crystalline polymer examples
polyethylene, polypropylene. Ester-> plastic materials with strain hardening effects
Elastomer polymer examples
Polyisoprene, polybutadiene, no linearity, plastic deformationSt
stress hardening effect
Increasing deformation increases stress, polymers can sometimes rearrange and lower these stress levels as they deform
Ductile-brittle Transition
Make rubbery go to brittle by increasing the strain rate of decreased temperature quickly.
Viscoelastic behavior. Time dependent extension under load. Apply a fixed load and measure the elongation.