Biomass Alternative Energy (4-5) Flashcards
“A ______ and biodegradable organic material originating from _____, animals and micro‐organisms. This shall also include products, by‐products, residues and waste from agriculture, forestry and related industries as well as the non‐fossilized and biodegradable organic fractions of industrial and municipal wastes.”
“A non‐fossilized and biodegradable organic material originating from plant, animals and micro‐organisms. This shall also include products, by‐products, residues and waste from agriculture, forestry and related industries as well as the non‐fossilized and biodegradable organic fractions of industrial and municipal wastes.”
Biomass Balance Approach
- Estimate fossil fuel effect Bfossil
- Estimate feedstock and fossil effect Bb Bf
- Estimate amount to replace mf
- Estimate amount required mb
- Estimate burdens of biomass using above notation
Bmb=Bfossil- mfBf +mbBb
Mesophilic ____ °C
Thermophilic ____°C
Mesophilic 36-42 °C
Thermophilic 48-55°C
Fermentation-Biofuel production
Biomass Production
Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Sugar fermentation
Biofuel Production and further Processing
Non homogeneous (________________) fuels
Non homogeneous (variable composition) fuels
Issues with non homogenous fuels?
Produces sludge and tars that can clog equipment- difficult to clean
Lower system efficiency
Poor quality gas output
Increased maintenance
Drax Power Station provides ___% of the UK’s renewable power
Drax Power Station provides 11% of the UK’s renewable power
Can biomass be non renewable
yes - cutting down trees
Sources of biomass
Animal residues
Municipal solid waste
Forestry residues
Industrial residues
Agricultural residues
How long is the CO2 rotation for forestry
10-30 years
What is virgin biomass
From plants (aquatic and terrestrial)
How is biomass environmentally advantageous
Can be carbon negative through sequestration tech & carbon capture
Socio economic benefits of biomass
Locally grown, utilized for food, sold in markets and in some cases exported
Support local communities and microeconomics (create new jobs)
Energy independence
Reduction in emissions
Less waste to handle
Technical benefits of biomass
Can be used for combines heat & power plants
High-value chemicals can be produced such as cum farts
Can be used for decentralized power generation system
Can be used to store energy!
Pelletizing steps
Raw material in
Cyclone separation
Biomass processing techniques
Direct combustion (for power and heat)
Gasification (for carbon monoxide and hydrogen-rich syngas)
Pyrolysis (for biochar, gas and oils)
Anaerobic digestion (for methane-rich gas)
Oil exaction (for biodiesel)
Fermentation (of sugars for alcohols)
Thermochemical biomass processing techniques are
Biochemical biomass processing techniques are
What is syngas
H2 and CO
What are the uses of syngas
Hydrogen production
Engine/turbine fuel
Diesel or gasoline using Fischer‐Tropsch synthesis
Methanol for chemical industry
Pyrolysis operating temperature?
What does pyrolysis produce
Char, Solids- soil improver & solid fuel and liquid fuels-
Challenges of non homogeneous fuels
Produces sludge and tars that can clog equipment- difficult to clean
Lower system efficiency
Poor quality gas output
Increased maintenance
What is methanes Greenhouse gas factor compared to CO2
Negatives of uncontrolled digestion
Leachates enter into ground water
Why is controlled digestion considered environmentally friendly
Reduces water leaching & soil pollution.
Can produce organic fertilizer
Steps of Digestion
Feedstock enters
What are the characteristics of mesophilic digestion
Prone to ammonia poisoning
Greater gas yields
Reduces pathogens more effectively
What catalyst is used for esterification
Sulfuric acid
What catalyst is used for trans esterification
How much quicker is Trans esterification than esterification
4000 times
What type of catalyst is used to do both esterification and trans esterification in 1 step
bifunctional catalyst
What is a solution to the low conversion and rates for esterification
Microbubble mediated mass transfer to overcome the low conversion and rate of reaction of esterification
What are the steps of fermentation
- Biomass Production
- Pretreatment
- Enzymatic Hydrolysis
- Sugar fermentation
- Biofuel Production and further Processing
Challenges for biomass
Resources are limited
Why is biomass hard to deal with
Variable chemistries
Variable moisture
Size reduction is energy intensive
Doing anything other than burning it is proving hard to do at an industrial scale
What is alternative energy
Produces little or no CO2.
Advantages of Hydroelectric
Cheap to operate
Long life and low operating cost
High yield
Not intermittent (if reservoir is large enough)
Reservoirs have multiple uses
Minimal air pollution
Disadvantages of Hydroelectric
Human population displacement
breeding ground for disease
Ecosystem impacts
Water pollution problems
What are the 3 types of tidal power
Tidal streams
Tidal lagoons
Advantage of tidal
Low operating cost
Disadvantage of tidal
few suitable sites
Construction costs high
Advantages of wind
Renewable energy
Not pollutant
Reduces the use of fossil fuels
Reduces energy imports
Disadvantages of wind
Must compete with other low cost energy resources
Suitable wind corridors are often remote
Intermittent/requires an energy storage system
Noise and Visual Aesthetics
Impact Wildlife
Types of silicon in PV cells
n-type and p-type
n-type has deficiency of electrons
Advantages of Solar
Low operating cost
Diverse applications
Advantages of geothermal
Available 24/7
Geothermal power plants use low amounts of land per gigawatt
Life cycle emission is 4 times less than solar PV and 6-20 times lower than natural gas
Disadvantages Geothermal
Available cites are very limited.
The drilling and exploration is very expensive
High Risk (Well failure/depletion)
Lack of public awareness
What is blue hydrogen
Produced by Steam Methane Reforming with Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS)
What is green hydrogen
Produced by electrolysis with required power coming from a renewable source
What is pink hydrogen from
What is yellow hydrogen from
Challenges of hydrogen
Safety- flammable
Production cost
Integration into system
Development of infrastructure
Competition with batteries