Biology: Life Flashcards
The sum of all chemical reactions in the body. Can be divided into catabolic and anabolic reactions.
Catabolic Reactions
Break down large chemicals and release energy.
Anabolic Reactions
Build up large chemicals and require energy.
Acquisition of food and other raw materials.
The process of converting food into a usable soluble form so that it can pass through membranes in the digestive tract and enter the body.
Passage of nutrient molecules through through the lining of digestive tract into body proper. Absorbed molecules pass through cells lining the digestive tract by diffusion or active transport.
The circulation of essential compounds required to nourish the tissues and removal of waste products from tissue.
Building up of new tissues from digested good.
Consumption of oxygen by the body. Cells use oxygen to convert glucose into ATP, a ready source of energy for cellular activities.
Removal of waste products produced during metabolic processes.
Creation of complex molecules from simple ones (anabolism).
The control of physiological activities. The body’s metabolism functions to maintain its internal environment in a changing external environment (Homeostasis). Irritability is the ability to respond to a stimulus and is part of regulation.
An increase in size caused by a synthesis of new materials.
Generation of additional individuals of a species.
Organic catalysts. All living systems must have continuous-controlled chemical activity. Enzymes speed up or slow down chemical reactions, decreasing the activation energy.
They’re proteins, so thousands of enzymes can conceivably be formed. Many enzymes are conjugated proteins and have a nonprotein coenzyme. In this case, both components must be present for the enzyme to function.
Most enzyme reactions are reversible.
Enzymes may catalyze only one reaction of one specific class of closely related reactions. The molecule on which an enzyme acts is called the substrate.
Active Site
An area on each enzyme to which the substrate binds.
Lock and Key Theory
The spatial structure of an enzyme’s active site is exactly complementary to the spatial structure of its substrate.
Induced Fit Theory
More widely accepted. Active site has flexibility of shape. When appropriate substrate comes, the active site changes to fit the substrate.
Enzyme Optimal
Enzyme action and rate depend on several environmental factors. As temperature increases, rate increases, until an optimal temperature is reached. Beyond that, heat alters the active site deactivating the enzyme. The same applies for pH in the sense that getting more basic or acidic from the optimal pH will deactivate it.
Competitive Inhibition
Molecules similar to the substrate can bind to the active site of the enzyme. This can prevent enzymes from being activated.
Noncompetitive Inhibition
Substance forms strong covalent bonds with an enzyme and consequently may not be displaced by addition of excess substrate. So noncompetitive inhibition is irreversible. The substance (noncompetitive inhibitor) can be at, near, or remote from active site. Allosteric inhibition is when inhibition takes place at a site other then the active site. This will change the structure of the enzyme and therefor, the active site.
Reaction used to digest large molecules into small components. Regulated by enzymes.
Hydrolyzes lactose to the monosaccharides glucose and galactose. Regulated by enzymes.
Degrade proteins to amino acids. Regulated by enzymes.
Break down lipids to fatty acids and glycerol. Regulated by enzymes.
Synthesis Reactions
Catalyzed by same enzymes as hydrolysis reactions, but the directions are reversed. Required for growth, repair, regulation, protection, and production of food reserves (fat, glycogen).
Nonprotein molecule many enzymes require to be activated. Can be metal cations or coenzymes.
Prosthetic Groups
Cofactors that bind to enzyme by strong covalent bonds.
Cell Theory
1) All living things are composed of cells.
2) The cell is the basic functional unit of life.
3) The chemical reactions of life take place inside the cell.
4) Cells arise only from pre-existing cells.
5) Cells carry DNA.
Fluid Mosaic Model
The cell membrane consists of a phospholipid bilayer with proteins embedded throughout. The phospholipid molecules are arranged so that the long, nonpolar, hydrophobic, “fatty” chains of carbon and hydrogen face each other, with the phosphorus-containing, polar, hydrophilic heads facing outward. This way the membrane is permeable to both small, nonpolar hydrophocic molecules (oxygen), and small polar molecules (water).
Carrier Proteins
Charged ions and molecules cross membrane with help of these.
The nucleus controls the activities of the cell, including cell division. It’s surrounded by a nuclear membrane. The nucleus contains DNA, which is complexed with structural proteins called histones to form chromosomes. The nucleolus is a dense structure where rRNA synthesis occurs.
Sites of protein production. Made by nucleolus.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
A network of membrane-enclosed spaces involved in the transport of materials throughout the cell, particularly those destined to be secreted by the cell.
Golgi Apparatus
Receives vesicles and their contents from the smooth ER, modifies them (glycosylation), repackages them into vesicles, and send them toward cell surfrace by exocytosis.
Sites of aerobic respiration within the cell and hence the suppliers of energy. Each composed of an outer and inner phospholipid bilayer.
Most of cell’s metabolic activity occurs in this.
Membrane bound sacs involved in the transport and storage of materials that are ingested, secreted, processed, or digested by the cell. Vacuoles larger than vesicles and more likely to be found in plant cells.
Involved in spindle organization during mitosis and are not bound by a membrane. Only in animals. They usually have a pair oriented at right angles to each other and lie in the centrosome region.
Membrane bound vesicles that contain hydrolytic enzymes involved in intracellular digestion. They break down ingested material. An injured or dying tissue may “suicide” by rupturing the lysosome membrane and releasing its hydrolytic enzymes (autolysis).
Supports cell, maintains its shape, and functions in cell motility. Comprised of microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments.
Solid rods of actin, which are important in cell movement as well as support. Muscle contraction is based on interaction of actin with myosin. Microfilaments move materials across plasma membrane.
When the cytoplasm of a cell has lower solute concentration than the extraceulluar medium and water flows out of the cell. Also called plasmolysis.
When the extracellular environment has smaller solute concentration than the cytoplasm, causing water to flow into cell making it swell or lyse (burst).
Carrier Molecules That Facilitate Active Transport
Energy-Independent Carriers - facilitate the movement of compounds along a concentration gradient.
Symporters - move two or more ions or molecules.
Antiporters - exchange one or more ions/molecules for another ion/molecule.
Pumps - energy-dependent carriers (require ATP).
Where cell membrane invaginates, forming a vesicle that contains extracellular medium. Pinocytosis is the ingestion of fluids or small particles, and phagocytosis is the engulfing or large particles. Particles may bind to receptors on the cell membrane before being engulfed.
A vesicle in the cell fuses with the cell membrane and releases its contents to the outside.
Brownian Movement
Kinetic energy spreads small suspended particles throughout the cytoplasm of the cell.
Enzyme: Most Common pH Optimum
Most enzymes have optimal pH of 7.2.
Pepsin pH Optimum
Pepsin works better in acidic stomach.
Pancreatic Enzymes pH Optimum
Pancreatic enzymes work in more basic alkaline conditions of small intestine.
Transport in cytoplasm occurs by cyclosis (streaming movement in cell).
Process of Golgi apparatus modifying vesicles.