Biology Flashcards
4 factors affecting the rate of transport
Surface area to volume ratio
Diffusion distance
Has a nucleus
No nucleus
Magnification = image size/ real size
Microscope practical
1- add onion cell to slide 2- add a drop of iodine 3- cover with a cover slip 4- put onto a stage 5- start with lowest magnification 6- focus it with the coarse focus knob 7- increase magnification 8- adjust focus with fine focus knob
Specialised cells examples
1- sperm cell 2- nerve cell 3- muscle cell 4- root hair cell 5- phloem and xylem cells
The cell cycle
1- cell grows
2- DNA replicated
3- mitosis
Stem cells
Cells that can become into any type of cell
The movement of particles from a high concentration to a low concentration across a concentration gradient
Movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration across a partially permeable membrane
Osmosis practical
1- add 5 pieces of potato cyclinders to 5 different concentration of sugars
2- measure mass before
3- take out the 5 pieces and measure mass
4- if the mass of the potato has increased then osmosis has occurred and the sugar solution is highly concentrated
5- calculate percentage change of mass
Active transport
Movement of particles from an area of low concentration to high concentration
Gas exchange in lungs
Oxyen into blood by diffusion
Carbon dioxide into lungs by diffusion
Villi helps with digestion
Villi has a large surface area so food is absorbed more quickly into the blood
What do enzymes need to work
Correct PH
right temperature
Enzyme practical
1- add iodine to every tile
2- add starch solution to a test tube
3- add amylase solution to a test tube
4- add buffer ph5 solution to a test tube
5- add all to a beaker and let them reach 30degrees
6- after 10 minutes mix all 3 tubes into one
7- add the test tube to the water bath and start a stopwatch
8- every 30 seconds take a drop and add to iodine
9- when the solution stops turning blue black then starch is no longer present
10- repeat for buffet ph 7 and 9
Rate of reaction formula
Amylase location
Salivary gland
Small intestine
Protease location
Small intestine
Lipase location
Small intestine
Neutralises stomach acid and emulsifies fats
Test for sugars
Benedicts test
Turns green,yellow or brick red
Test of starch
Iodine solution
Turns blue black
Test for protein
Biuret solution
Turns pink or purple
Test for lipids
Sudan III
Forms 2 layers of bright red and colourless
The heart process
1-vena cava carries blood into right atrium
2-valve pushes the deoxygenated blood into the right ventricle
3- bloods exists by pulmonary valve and goes to the lungs
4- oxygenated blood from lungs comes through pulmonary veins into the left atrium
5- valve pushes blood into left ventricle
6- oxygenated blood leaves via aorta
Produces electric pulses causing the heart to beat
Takes blood to heart
Valve that pushes blood
Carry blood next to every cell to exchange substances
Thin wall- one cell thick
Carry blood away from heart
Thick and strong
Help blood clot
Keep arteries open
Reduce cholesterol in blood
Loss of water from plant
4 types of pathogens
1- bacteria
2- virus
3- protists
4- fungi
Bacterial diseases
Salmonella- fever and vomiting
Gonorrhoea- pain when pissing
3 viral diseases
Measles- red skin rash
HIV- weak immune system
Tobacco mosaic virus- discoloured leaves
Fungal disease
Rose black spot-
Purple spots on leaves
Leaves drop
Protist disease
Mosquito suck blood out of body
Immune system fights disease
1-WBC engulfs pathogens
2-produces antibodies
3- produce antitoxins
Impact on rate of photosynthesis
1- light intensity
2- carbon dioxide concentration
3- temperature
All chemical reactions in am organism
Aerobic respiration
Glucose + oxygen —> carbon dioxide + water
Anaerobic respiration
Glucose —> lactic acid
Glucose—> ethanol + carbon dioxide (in plants and yeast)