Biology Flashcards
How do Proteins function and operate?
Proteins fold to give distinct structures and they require the correct folding to function . They operate in vivo as catalysts (enzymes), structural molecules (cytoskelaton, collagen), receptors (membrane protein), and transporters.
Proteins structures and its stability
Protein structure is stabilized by:
H bond
salt bridge
hydrophobic effect
metal ion binding
disulfide bridge
Amino Acids
Amino Acids are classified as
non polar (hydrophobic)
polar charged
polar uncharged
depeding on the basis of the nature of side chain
isoelectric point
amino acids and proteins are insoluble at that pt
net charge zero
no migration to electric field
Acid base titration of amino acid (Lys)
General formula
there two forms
General formula (CH2O)n
monosacharides 3 to 6 C atoms
there two forms linear and cyclic forms
Hemiacetal and Hemiketal
Hemiacetal aldose sugar and Hemiketal ketose sugar
different polymers of glucose differ in their connectivity:
carbon centers connected via oxygen
configuration of anomic center
they are polymers of monosacharides which can be linear or branched
are biological catalysts that increase the rate of the metabolic reaction. the active site of an enzyme acts as a catalyst. The substrate turns into the product when a rxn involves an enzyme.
Cofactors are small molecules or ions that associate with (bind to) proteins to provide them with chemical activity (e.g. oxidation, reduction, methylation) that is not available from the standard repertoire of amino acids.
They generally comprise an active chemical functional group, plus additional segments that are used for binding to the active site of a protein.
is the chemical process that takes place in a living cell that provides energy for vital processess and for synthesizing organic material.
Metabolic pathways
a sequence of chemical steps that converts starting materials into products.
where does a metabolic pathway occurs
A metabolic pathway usually occurs in a specific location within the cell (compartment/organelle).
Catabolic pathway
Metabolic pathways that involve ‘breaking down’ complex molecules into smaller ones, with the release of energy, are termed catabolic.
anabolic pathway
Metabolic pathways that involve ‘building up’ complex molecules, with the consumption of energy, are termed anabolic.
Metabolites are small molecules that are formed in cells and organisms by the catalytic activity of enzymes as part of a metabolic pathway