biological rhythms Flashcards
3 biological rhythms and their duration
Infradian- longer than 24 hours
Circadian- 24 hours
Ultradian- less than 24 hours
A01 of infradian rhythms
weekly monthly annually
1) female menstrual cycle regulated by hormones
–> ovulation occurs when oestrogen levels are the highest- 16-32 hours
–> after ovulation, progesterone levels increase in case of fertilisation
28 days (23-36)
2) SAD- yearly cycle
–> longer period of melatonin secretion- depression in winter
–> melatonin secreted by pineal gland at night- longer nights in winter
AO3 of infradian rhythms
Reinberg (1967)
examined a woman who spent 3 months in a cave with a small lamp to provide light.
–> menstrual cycle shortened from 28–>25.7 days
–> menstrual cycle governed by exogenous zeitgebers (lack of light)- external factor
**Russel et al (1980)** female menstrual cycles become **synchronised** through odour exposure. --> rubbed sweat sample onto upper lip --> MC affected by pheromones (exogenous zeitgeber)
A01 of circadian rhythms
24 hour rhythm reset by levels of light
1) sleep-wake cycle
endogenous pacemaker/ internal body clock of suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
regulates sleep-waking patterns
by sending messages to pineal gland to release melatonin
2) body temp
lowest in morning (36 °C)
highest early evening (38°C)
sleep occurs when temp drops and rises to provide alertness in the morning
A03 of circadian rhythms
+6 months in a cave without external cures- 25 hrs
believed that he experienced fewer days than everyone else
–>exogenous zeitgebers regulate internal body clocks
Duffy et al 2001
morning people go bed early
evening people go bed later
innate individual differences
A01 ultradian rhythms
human sleep patterns
5 stages of sleep occur in a 90 minute cycle
1+2) Alpha waves and spindles
light sleep
3+4) Deep sleep, delta waves
deep sleep
5) REM sleep, theta waves
dream sleep
ultradian rhythm A03
-remained awake for 264 hours
-slept for 15 hours over several nights, recovered 25% of his lost sleep
–> large degree of flexibility of diff stages in sleep cycle
found significant differences of durations of stages 3 + 4
–> innate individual differences