Biological Psych Vocab 1 Flashcards
Nerve cell over which impulses travel carrying messages consists of a cell body,dendrite and axon general name for nerve cell
Surface or outer layer of the brain in human and higher animals
Cerebral cortex
Classification for those parts of the cns and pens that regulates the activity of vital organs
Autonomic nerve system
Part of Neuron the space between the axe n ending of one neuron and the dendrite of another
Exocrine gland that discharges its secretions through an outlet onto an external or internal surface of the body
Duck gland
Movement of the eyes during sleep indicates dreaming
Artificially induced state characterize chiefly by extremists suggestibility resembles sleep
Ductless gland located in the front of the neck produces hormone that regulates speed of chemical reactions
Thyroid gland
Part of the Neuron the long thin portion of the cell