what are monomers ?
smaller units from which larger molecules are made
what are polymers ?
molecules which are made from a large number of monomers joined together
what is a condensation reaction ?
joins two molecules together with a formation of a chemical bond and an elimination of a water molecule.
what is a hydrolysis reaction ?
breaks a chemical bond between two molecules and involves the use of a water molecule.
examples of a monomer ?
amino acids
what are monosaccharides and name the most common ones ?
monosaccharides are the monomers from which larger carbohydrates are made, examples are :
1) glucose
2) fructose
3) galactose
what are disaccharides and name the most common ones and what they are made from ?
it is when 2 monosaccharides join together and the common disaccharides are :
1) maltose :formed from condensation reaction b/w glucose + glucose
2) sucrose : condensation reaction b/w, glucose + fructose
3) lactose : condensation reaction b/w, glucose + galactose
what are polysaccharides and what are the names of the common ones and what are they made of ?
polysaccharides are repeating units of monosaccharides, the common ones are :
1) starch
2) cellulose
> starch and cellulose both formed by the condensation of glucose
3 ) glycogen : formed by the condensation of B- glucose.
> all found in plants and animal cells
name the 2 isomers of glucose and the difference between them
alpha glucose : has the hydroxide group (OH) at the bottom of the first carbon
Beta glucose : has the hydroxide group at the top of the first carbon and another at the bottom of the second carbon diagnal too each other.
what bond is formed by the condensation between monosaccharides ?
glycosidic bond is formed between the condensation of two monosaccharides. condensation between many monosaccharides forms a polysaccharide.
what bond is formed between condensation of 2 nucleotides ?
a phosphodiester bond , condensation between many nucleotides forms a polynucleotide.
what bond is formed between condensation of 2 amino acids ?
a peptide bond and condensation between many amino acids forms polypeptides.
what are polysaccharides and name the different types ?
they are formed from many glucose units joined together and the diferent types of monosaccharides are :
. glycogen
. amylopectin
. amylose
. cellulose
what is the structure and function of glycogen ?
it is the main energy storage molecule found in animals and it is a long branched chain of glucose molecules joined together by 1,4 and 1,6 glycosidic bonds. glycogen has many side branches which increase its surface area so allow enzymes to react simultaneously and thus be broken down to release energy. glycogen is a large but compact molecule therefore maximises the energy it can store.
> glycogen has more side branches than amylopectin
what is the structure and function of cellulose ?
it is the component which makes up the cell wall within plants and it is a long unbranched chain of glucose molecules joined together by 1,4 glycosidic bonds. the cellulose chains are joined together by hydrogen bonds between the glucose molecules which form a thick fiber called microfibrils. microfibrils allows cellulose to be flexible and strong and therefore provides support too the cell wall and to make the cell turgid. cellulose also has alternating glycosidic bonds.
name the 2 polymers startch is made up of.
amylose and amplopectin
what is the function of startch ?
starch is a storage carbohydrate found in plants , plants use starch to store excess glucose as its too large to leave cells. starch is also insoluble so thus it does not affect the water potential of cells. starch can be hydrolysed to release glucose for respiration.
what is the structure and function of amylose ?
Amylose is a long unbranched chain of glucose molecules joined together by 1,4 glycosidic bonds. amylose is a coiled up molecule , thus it is compact meaning it is good for storage.
what is the structure and function of amylopectin ?
amylopectin is a long branched chain of glucose molecules joined together by 1,4 and 1,6 glycosidic bonds. it has side branches which increase surface area for enzymes to react simultaneously and for it to be broken down to release energy for respiration.
what are lipids and its functions ?
Lipids are fats and oils which store energy. they are the major source of energy in the human diet. lipids store energy in the body such as adipose tissue which insulates the body and reduces heat loss. lipids are also used for waterproofing. lipids are seen to be the major structure of membranes which form the lipid bilayer.
what are the names of the two different types of lipids ?
. triglycerides
. phospoholipids
what is the structure and function of triglycerides?
trigylcerides contain a glycerol molecule bonded too 3 fatty acid molecules joined together by an ester bond formed via condensation reaction. Trigylcerides are hydrophobic and non polar so are uncharged this means they are insoluble in water and are used as waterproofing in aquatic birds. trigylecrides contain a high ratio of energy storing carbon- hydrogen bonds to carbon atoms which means they are an excellent energy store. they also have a low mass to high energy ratio meaning lots of energy can be stored in a small volume which is great for animals so they dont need to move with lots of mass. they are large and non polar meaning they are insoluble so their storage does not affect the water potential.
what are saturated lipids ?
they are found in animal plants and do not contain any carbon- carbon double bonds.