Outline the aim of raine’s (1997) study
To investigate patterns of brain activity
in murderers who pleaded not guilty by insanity
compared to a matched sample of non-murderers
using pet scans
Outline the sample of raine’s (1997) study
Murders average age 34.3, 39 men 2 women
23 brain damaged, 6 schizophrenics, 3 substance abusers…
Outline the matched pairs sample of raine’s (1997) study
Non-murderers average age 31.7 matched by sex, age and schizophrenia
Outline the design of raine’s (1997) study
Matched pairs by sex, age, schizophrenia (6 in each group) 41 murderers, 41 controls
Outline the variables of raine’s (1997) study
IV; is the participant a murderer who pleaded guilty by insanity or not
DV; the measures of brain activity and structure in PET scans
Outline the method of raine’s (1997) study
- Each participant carried out a practice test
- 10 minutes later a FDG trace was injected
- The ppt then completed a continuous performance task and target recognition was recorded
- After 32 minutes, the participant was PET scanned
Outline the results of raine’s (1997) study
Murderers had lower glucose metabolism in some prefrontal areas
Murderers had less activity in the corpus callosum
Murderers had different levels of activity in the amygdala (more in right, less in left)
Outline the controls of raine’s (1997) study
Six murderers left handed found no effect in results
Head injury differed only in lowered corpus callosum activity
14 non-white murderers compared no different to white
Outline the conclusion of raine’s (1997) study
Violence has a biological cause
But cannot conclude they are the only factor of a predisposition of an environmental trigger
Outline 3 strength’s of raine’s (1997) study
Supporting evidence found similar results
- Narabyashi (1972), Mark & Ervin (1970) Swantje (2012) found similar results in amygdala
Scientific - PET Scans have no experimenter bias and are value free
Useful in leading to appropriate sentencing of murderers
Controls showed no difference
Matched pairs makes generalisable?
Outline 3 weaknesses of raine’s (1997) study
Other factors are unaccounted for
- genetics, hormonal, neurotransmitters, environmental triggers
Matched pairs weren’t perfectly matched
Outline the aim of Brendgen’s (2005) study
To examine the genetic and environmental effects
on social and physical aggression
using 6 year old twins
Outline the sample of Brendgen’s (2005) study
234 twins of 6 years
From Quebec
84% European decent
Outline the variables of Brendgen’s (2005) study
IV; Same class room or different classroom DV; Levels of social and physical aggression
Outline the method of Brendgen’s (2005) study
Children’s physical and social aggression was rated by a teacher and peers
Teachers rated children based on a 3 point scale
Peers were shown photos and asked which three best fit descripitons