Biological Explanations Flashcards
Why is selective breeding important in regards to genetics?
Specific breeds of animals e.g. dogs have been bred specifically for aggression purposes.
Suggests there are specific genes that determine the levels of aggression.
What is the MAOA gene?
An enzyme involved in neurotransmitters e.g. Serotonin.
Low levels of the MAOA gene or serotonin have been linked to an increase in aggression.
Outline what Hood and Cairns (1989) did and what they found?
Bred mice with significantly high levels of aggression.
This was reduced when raised with siblings
Cannot be generalised to humans
What occurred in Cases et al (1995) study when observing the MAOA gene?
Disabled the MAOA gene and this led to the rats becoming more aggressive
Describe what Brummer et al (1993) discovered when discussing levels of MAOA?
An aggressive family in the Netherlands was studied, found the MAOA gene at low levels led to high levels of aggression.
What study would give contradictory research and what did it suggest?
Walters (1992) found high levels of serotonin caused high levels of aggression.
What did Caspi et al (2003) suggest was the best explanation to this approach?
More likely a faulty MAOA gene plus environmental stress causes aggression.
Give three evaluative points of the genetic explanation?
Inconclusive or oversimplified theory.
Is reductionist as it explains through the biological explanation
Never a 100% concordance rate in twin studies
Explain what the Limbic System is briefly?
The amygdala is shown to have a strong connection with aggression
It appears the hypothalamus served a regulatory role in aggression
Explain the role serotonin plays within aggression briefly?
Low levels of serotonin have been shown to increase levels of aggression
Has been implicated in the control of aggressive behaviour.
Explain what Bard and Mountcastle (1937) found?
The destruction of the hypothalamus caused rage in cats
What is Tryptophan?
An amino acid that releases serotonin that reduces aggressive behaviour in juveniles
What did Brown et al (1979) find?
That low levels of serotonin are linked to aggression
Give three evaluative points of the neural explanation?
Is not a complete explanation, as it does not effect everybody, as low levels of serotonin do not make everybody aggressive
Ignores social factors so is therefore overly reductionist
Deterministic as biology being a factor
What is testosterone?
Is male sex hormone and is thought to influence aggression as it effects areas of the brain controlling aggression.
Is at its highest levels during puberty
Outline what Dabbs et al found
Tested testosterone levels in criminals and found those with a high level of had a large history of violent crimes.
Whereas low levels had non violent crimes
Explain the results of Lindman et al (1987)
Young males that acted aggressively when drunk had high levels of testosterone
Wagner et al (1979) found what?
Reduced levels of aggression when dogs were castrated
Give a piece of contradictory research regarding the hormonal explanation?
Klinesmith - Found high levels of aggression caused high levels of testosterone
Give three evaluative points of the hormonal explanation?
Cannot relate animal studies to humans as they are qualitatively different
Reductionist as a complex idea is simplified to a simple theory
Supports nature when discussing the nature vs nurture debate
Lacks cause and effect