Biological explanation Flashcards
What is strength of the bio explanation?
Scientific methods
Why does it have scientific methods?
It is based on objective and empirical techniques such as gene mapping studies and brain scans such as fMRI which are used to identify specific genes like PCM1 - increasing the overall internal validity
What can the bio explanation be criticised for?
Being biologically deterministic
Why is it biologically deterministic?
The theory states that an individual is controlled by internal factors such as high dopamine activity in the subcortex which inevitably causes auditory hallucinations
What does determinism neglect?
The role of free will and choice that individuals have which could leave victims feeling like they have no control over their schizophrenic behaviour. Also it is unethical as it leaves victims feeling guilty as they have passed on a gene and affected their children
Why does it have practical applications?
The principles that sz is caused by an imbalance of dopamine has led to the treatment of drug therapies such as typical antipsychotics. These drugs are effective in treating sz by balancing levels of dopamine therefore reducing symptoms such as hallucinations.
What is a strength?
Practical applications
What is an alternative explanation?
Family dysfunction
What does family dysfunction argue?
That sz is due to faulty communication patterns within a family such as schizophrenogenic mother, whereby the mother is cold and creates a family climate characterised by tension and secrecy.
Why does family dysfunction lead to?
This leads to distrust that later develops into paranoid delusions, rather than them being due to levels of dopamine/genes/neural correlates