Biological Approach Flashcards
Participants of maguire
- 16 righthanded male London taxi drivers
- 50 righthanded male control subjects (nontaxi drivers)
Aim of maguire
- to investigate the structural differences between the brains of London taxi drivers and non taxi drivers
Method of maguire
- quasi experiment (comparison of preexisting groups; taxi drivers and non taxi drivers)
- correlational study (correlating number of years driving a taxi with grey matter volume)
- MRI scans were used to measure variables and grey matter volume
Participants of draganski
- self selected participants
Method of draganski
- experiment
- mixed design (independent and repeated measures design)
Aim of draganski
- to investigate the structural changes in the brain in response to practicing a simple juggling routine
Aim of crockett
- to investigate the effect of serotonin on prosocial behaviour
Participants of crockett
- 30 healthy volunteers
Method of crockett
- experiment
- repeated measures design
- double blind
- counterbalanced
Aim of antonova
- to investigate the role of acetylcholine in the encoding of spatial memory
Participants of antonova
- 20 healthy adult males (mean age of 28)
Method of antonova
- experiment
- repeated measures design
- double blind
Aim of scheele
- to investigate the role of oxytocin in promoting fidelity
Participants of scheele
- 86 heterosexual men (some single and some in relationships)
Method of scheele
- experiment
- independent measures design
- double blind
Aim of newcomer
- to investigate the effect of cortisol on verbal declarative memory
Method of newcomer
- experiment
- double blind
Aim of lundstrom and olssen
- to investigate the effect of androstadienone on the mood of women in the presence of men
Participants of lundstrom and olssen
- 37 heterosexual women (mean age od 25) with normal menstrual cycle
Participants of newcomer
- 51 self selected students and employees from Washington University Medical Center
Method of lundstrom and olssen
- 2 x 2 experimental design
Participants of cutler, friedmann, and mccoy
- 38 heterosexual male volunteers
- 25-42 years old
- good health and regular appearance
Aim of cutler, friedmann, and mccoy
- to investigate if synthesized human pheromone can increase sociosexual behaviour in men
Method of cutler, friedmann, and mccoy
- field experiment
- indepedent measures design
Aim of bouchard and mcgue
- to investigate the heritability of IQ
Method of bouchard and mcgue
- meta analysis
Participants of bouchard and mcgue
- 111 twin studies that looked into heritability of intelligence
- MZ and DZ and siblings
Aim of caspi
- to investigate the role of the 5-HTT gene on the development of depression in response to stressful life events
Participants of caspi
- 1037 new zealand children (ages 3-26)
Method of caspi
- longitudinal study
- genetic mapping: 3 groups: 2 long alleles OR 1 long, 1 short allele OR 2 short alleles of the 5-HTT gene
Participants of fergusson
- 298 males from Christchurch Health and Development Study who had complete data on:
1. MAOA genotype
2. Experienced sexual and physical childhood abuse
3. Exhibited antisocial behaviour to age 30
Method of fergusson
- longitudinal study
Aim of fergusson
- to investigate the hypothesis that the presence of low-activity MAOA genotype was associated with an increased response to abuse exposure
Aim of curtis, aunger, and rabie
- to investigate if the emotion of disgust is stronger in response to stimuli that are associated with disease as this would indicate that disgust is a product of evolution
- to test the hypotheses: disgust should be stronger in response to disease salient stimuli, disgust responses should be similar cross culturally, disgust should be stronger in the subgroup of females, disgust should be less prominent in older people
Method of curtis, aunger, and rabie
- correlational study
Participants of curtis, aunger, and rabie
- self selected participants who completed an online survey on the BBC science website (77,000 participants from 165 countries)