Biological approach Flashcards
Aim draganski 2004
To investigate whether structural changes in the brain occur as a result of learning and practicing a simple juggling routine
Sample Draganski
a self-selected sample of volunteers with no prior experience of juggling
Method and design Draganski
Laboratory experiment
Mixed design; independent and repeated measures
Procedure Draganski
randomly divided participants into two groups; jugglers and non jugglers
brain scans were conducted on both groups at 0 months, 3 months and 6 months to assess the grey matter in the brain
Jugglers spent 3 months practicing a simple juggling routine and then after 3 months they were told to stop practicing it.
Non-jugglers never practiced any routine.
Results Draganski
At the beginning, there were no differences in the brain structure of the jugglers and non-jugglers
After 3 months, they found that there was significantly more grey matter in the mid-temporal area of the cortex in both hemispheres in the jugglers than the non jugglers. The area responsible is movement and coordination.
After six months, the scan showed a reduced amount of grey matter in the brain, however, there was still more grey matter in the brains of jugglers than non jugglers.
Conclusion Draganski
Grey matter grows in responses to environmental demands (learning) and shrinks in the absence of stimulus.
This shows a cause and effect relationship between learning and brain structure
What brain scan did Draganski use
MRI - Magnetic reasoning imaging
Aim Antonova 2011
to investigate whether scopolamine effects the acquisition of spatial memory in the brain
Sample Antonova
20 healthy males with a mean age of 28
Method and design of Antonova
? experiment (double blind procedure)
Repeated measures design
Procedure Antonova
Randomly allocated one of two conditions; scopolamine and placebo (control) and were injected 70-90 minutes before completion the task
Participants were put into a FMRI whilst playing a virtual reality game in an ‘Arena task’ where they had to find a pole within an arena. Once they found it, the screen of the virtual reality game would turn blank for 30 seconds and they were told to actively rehearse how to get to the pole. After 30 seconds the screen came back from a different starting position and they were told to find it. They had to use their spatial memory to find where the pole is. The participants brain activity was measured for 6 trials and they returned 3-4 weeks later and completed the opposite condition.
Results and Conclusion of Antonova
Participants injected with scopolamine demonstrated a significantly reduced activation of the hippocampus compared to when they received a placebo.
It appears that acetycholine could play a key role in the encodin of spatial memories in humans, as well as in rats.
What brain scan was used in Antonova study
FMRI - functional magnetic imaging reasoning
What area of the brain was investigated in Draganski
the mid temporal area of the cortex in both hemisphere
What area of the brain was investigated in Antonova’s study
Hippocampus - spatial memory and the cortex and well
Aim of Newcomer (1999)
to investigate whether high levels of the stress hormone (cortisol) would interfere with verbal declarative memory
Sample of Newcomer
Participants at the Washington University medical centre
Method and design of Newcomer
Laboratory experiment (double blind control)
Matched pairs design
Procedure of Newcomer
Participants were split into three conditions; control, condition 1 (low levels of cortisol 40mg) and condition 2 (high levels of cortisol 160mg) for four days of the experiment.
Participants were asked to listen and recall parts of a prose paragraph, testing their verbal declarative memory
Results of Newcomer
Results showed that participants performed worse on the verbal declarative the memory test than the low level group which showed no memory decrease.