Biol 228 Invertebrates Test Flashcards
Memorise shit for the Practical test
What is Phylum Porifera?
What are choanocytes?
Flagellated cells, lining the inner of the cell
What do ostia and oscula do?
Ostia: incurrent pores. Oscula: larger, outcurrent pores
What is the sponge’s supporting material?
Mesophyl. Contains skeletal elements, held in a gelatinous matrix
What is the purpose of choanocytes?
Use water current to capture food
Sponge structures, simplest to most complex
Asconoid, syconoid, leuconoid. Most sponges are leuconoid
How do sponges feed?
Filter feeders. Unselective
Both sexual and asexual
Hermaphrodites, but not at the same time
Types of asexual reproduction
Gemmules: Seed like capsule of cells held during adverse conditions, released when conditions improve, form new sponge.
Budding: Pieces break off and form new sponge
Aggregation: Disassociated sponge cells aggregate to reform a sponge
Characteristics of class Hexactinellida
'Glass Sponges' 6 ray spicules spicules made of SiO2 Marine Mainly syconoid or leuconoid
Characteristics of class Calcarea
Spicules made of CaCO3
All three construction types (Asconoid, syconoid, leuconoid)
Characteristics of class Demospongiae
95% of all sponges
Spicules are SiO2, spongin fibres, or both
Sponge Ecology
Indeterminate growth, can be very big
Only eaten by specialised predators
can create own water current
Found on hard surfaces, shapes detemined by it
Do sponges have tissue layers?
What are phylum Cnidaria?
What are the functions of nematocysts?
Stinging capsules. Defence and capture of prey
Body plan of nematocysts:
Sac with tentacles
Have opening that leads to gastrovascular cavity