BIOL 215 Modern Diversity II Flashcards
What are the main characteristics of animals ? [5]
Have the biggest number of species
2M described species over 8 to 64M unknown
Choanoflagellates descendant
Get their energy by ingestion
Cells without cell walls and secrete an extracellular matrix that consists of collagen, integrins, lycoproteins, proteoglycans
What are the two main groups that evolves from choanoflagellates ?
Parazoa (no true tissue, marine choanocytes like sponges)
Eumetazoa (true tissues)
What are the groups included in eumetazoa [2]?
Radiata (radially symetrical, 2 tissues, cnidarians, marine)
Bilateria (bilatery symetrical)
What are the two groups included in bilateria ?
Protostomes (blastopore form first to be the mouth)
Deuterostomes (blastopore form first to be the anus)
What are the two groups included in protostomes ?
Lophotrochzoa (lophophore → tentacules)
Ecdysozoa (shed their skin to form another skin)
What are the two groups included in deuterostomes ?
Echinodermata (radially symmetrical but share more similarities with bilateria)
Are we closer to fungi or plants ?
What remains a mystery about plant ?
Their rapid on land evolution, especially the appear of angiosperms.
What are the main characteristics of plants ?
Evolved from green algae Multicellular eukaryotes Cellulose rich cell walls Photoautotrophic Alternation of generations
What are the four main categories of plants ?
Seedless non-vascular (bryophytes) [430mya]
Seedless vascular (ferns) [390 mya]
Gymnosperms (pines, etc.) [360mya)
Angiosperms (flowers) [130 mya]
How did the green algae became a plant ?
Unicellular green algae that had incorporated
new genes through horizontal gene transfer
and gained organelles by endosymbiosis,
transformed into multicellular photosynthetic
What are the evidences for green algae to be the ancestor of plants ?
Both create starch to do their carbohydrates reserves
Rigid cellulose cell walls
Use the same pigments (chlorophyll (a and b) and yellow-orange carotenoids (α and β)).
What are the major steps between gametophyte and sporophyte ?
Gametophyte (n) + sperm or egg = SYNGAMY → Zygote (2n) → sporophyte (2n) → Sporangia (2n) → MEIOSIS → Spores (n) → gametophyte
What are the main characteristics of bryophytes ?
Earliest land plants
Have no roots so there is no or limited transport of water and nutrients
Live close to the ground in moist area
Imporatant in 2 transitions : water → land and haploid → diploid
ex: moss, liverworts
What are the main characteristics of ferns ?
Have conductive tissues (xylem for water and phloem for nutrients)
Can live in dryer habitats compared to bryophytes
Have well developped cuticle and stomata to minimize water loss and maximize gaz exchanges
ex: ferns, horsetail, club moss
What are the three major evolutions that permits plants such as gymnospems and angiosperms to move away from water and avoid dessication?
Reduction of the size of the gametophyte
Spore in seeds
What are the main characteristics of gymnosperms?
The haploid form is within a cone
The diploid form is the tree
Invented the seeds and the pollen
ex: conifers
What are the main characteristics of angiosperms?
Show their sexual organs, advertise them
95% of plants are angiosperms
Their major evolutionary invention is the flower with the petals containing both male and female organs
Given their origin remains a mystery, why are they so successfull ?
Because insects and birds can travel their seeds on long distances: they have a large range of different pollinators.
What are the main characteristics of fungi ?
Appeared 440mya
Obtain nutrition by parasitism or digestion of dead organic matter
Cell walls made of chitin
They do not do photosynthesis nor have chlophyl
Have a choanoflagellates ancestor