Biofuels Flashcards
Importance of biofuels
Less greenhouse gases, More readily available, designed for liquid type fuels used in transportation
Properties and origination of 1st and 2nd gen biofuels
Low in energy density
High moisture content
low compatibility
1st gen are from food crop
2nd gen are from feedstocks
Process of bioethanol production. stage 1
Milling -the mechanical crushing of the cereal grains to release the starch components
stage 2
Saccharification- Heating and addition of water and enzymes for conversion into fermentable sugar
stage 3
Fermentation of the mash using yeast, whereby the sugar is converted into bioethanol and CO2
stage 4
Distillation and rectification, i.e. concentration and cleaning the ethanol produced by distillation
stage 5
Drying (dehydration) of the bioethanol
Saccharification of Starch
- Starch mixed with water at 60 degrees for 5-10 min
- Starch dissolves in water to form a mash
- Liquefaction process, a-amylase added at 70-80 degrees for 2 hours. This degrades starch to oligosaccharides and dextrin
- Glucoamylase added at 60-65 degrees for 30 min. this converts oligosaccharides and dextrin into glucose
In yeast fermentation, the glucose solution obtained from starch saccharification or cellulose hydrolysis is cooled to around 32C.
Yeast culture is added into the solution under aseptic condition
Glucose (nutrient) is metabolised (enzymatic reactions) to eventually ethanol, CO2 and energy.
Some of the released energy and glucose are utilized by the yeast cells to support their growth during fermentation.
The rest of the energy becomes heat to the fermentation broth and may increase the temperature if not taken out of the system.
Both ethanol and CO2 secreted out of yeast cells.
CO2 readily dissolves in water, but can easily be saturated in fermentation broth.
The excess CO2 bubbles out of the liquid and can be collected for food and soft drink preparation.
three constituents of biomass ?
cellulose,hemicelluloseand lignin
What do these do?
strong linkages between molecules resulting in a complex structure
What does pre-treatment do?
Helps in separation of main biomass components (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin)
Increase available surface area
Reduce particle size
Solubilizes hemicellulose
Increases enzymatic hydrolysibility of cellulose
Physical pre-treatment involves
Milling which is Time consuming, intensive, expensive
Irradiation (microwave heating) which is slow, substrate specific, expensive
Biological involves
Lignin-solubilizing microorganisms
No chemicals
Consumption of cellulose and hemicellulose
synergistic effects
Chemical followed by biological
Physical followed by biological
Acid chemicals involves
Using concentrated acids such as H2SO4 and HCl
Dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment could achieve high reaction rates and significantly improve cellulose hydrolysis.
There are two types of dilute acid pretreatment process:
High temperature (T > 160C), continuous-flow process for low solids loading (5%-10% [w/w])
Lower temperature (T < 160C), batch process for high solids loading (10%-40% [w/w])
Cost is higher than steam explosion
A neutralization of pH is necessary before enzymatic hydrolysis or fermentation process.
Alkali chemicals involve
Alkaline pretreatment can disrupt lignin structure and decrease crystallinity of cellulose and degree of sugar polymerization.
Compared with acid pretreatment, alkaline pretreatment has less sugar degradation and inhibitory compounds (furan derivatives) formation
NaOH and lime can be recovered or regenerated.
NaOH is very efficient in removing lignin from lignocellulosic materials at a temperature of 100C for 15-30 min.
Advantages of isobutanol
Blend properties in gasoline/petrol Volatility Phase separation Energy content Blend wall Ideal platform molecule to produce renewable iso-paraffinic kerosene (IPK), a blendstock for jet fuel
Blend Properties in Gasoline/Petrol
Does not increase vapour pressure when added to gasoline/petrol
Phase separation qualities
Isobutanol is less polar than ethanol
Can be more easily transported through pipelines
energy content qualities
Isobutanol has approximately 82 percent of the energy value of gasoline-higher energy content = greater fuel economy
Three parts of the isobutanol pathway
1) Glycolysis to provide pyruvate
2) Valine biosynthesis to metabolise pyruvate to KIV
3) Ehrlich pathway which is required for degradation of KIV to isobutanol
ways to increase isobutanol production
Introducing a promiscuous 2-keto-acid decarboxylase and an alcohol dehydrogenase into E. coli produced isobutanol in high yields through the 2-keto-acid pathway.
Overexpression of 2-ketoisovalerate biosynthetic genes
Deletion of multiple pathways competing for pyruvate consumption and the replacement of the endogenous acetolactate synthase enzyme with one from B. subtilis — which has a higher specificity for pyruvate — resulted in increased isobutanol
Overexpress alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes including Adh2 from S. cerevisiae and AdhA from Lactococcus lactis for isobutanol production in E. coli