Biodiversity Flashcards
What is the definition of biodiversity?
It is the sum total of species richness
What is genetic diversity?
This is the variation of genes within a species.
What is species diversity?
It is the variety of species within a region
What is ecosystem diversity?
This is the variation of landforms which in turn leads to the variation in the species inhabiting the areas.
What happens to the species diversity as we move from the equator to the poles?
It decreases
Just a note:
Tropics harbour more species than the temperate or polar areas.
Which has the largest biodiversity on earth?
Amazon rainforest
Why do tropical regions show more species variation?
- This is because, these regions have remained relatively undisturbed for many years.
- The climate and environment is less seasonal and more constant.
- More solar energy which contributes to a higher productivity
What did Alexander Von Humboldt observe?
he observed that within a region, the species richness increased with area , but only upto a certain limit.
What is the Rivet - Popper Hypothesis
In this he compares an ecosystem to an aeroplane
What are hotspots?
hotspot is a biogeographic region with significant levels of biodiversity that is threatened by human habitation
Name two Hotspots is india?
Western Ghats
Eastern Himalayas
Which species are present in the two hotspots in india.
*Amphibians, Reptiles, swallow tailed butterflies, and some mammals
What is the Red Data book?
This is a book that documents rare and endangered species and even local sub species that are present with the borders of region.
Recent extinctions
Dodo,quagger,thylacine, Steller’s sea cow, Bali,Javan and caspian : subspecies of tigers.