Biodiversity Flashcards
Explain why is it important to maintain biodiversity.
Genetic diversity for future use;
Science / technology / research;
Tourism / attract visitors;
Ethical / moral;
Local cultural significance;
Maintain / protect stability of food chains;
Pollination / ecosystem services;
Protect against soil erosion / flooding;
Soil formation;
Climate stability
Outline the characteristic features of the kingdom Animalia.
Eukaryote / eukaryotic cells contain a nucleus;
Specialised cells / tissues / organs;
Nervous system;
Cilia / flagella;
Explain how the term biodiversity can be considered at different levels.
Variation / diversity of ecosystems / habitats;
Number of how many / variety of / diversity of species;
Relative abundance of each species;
Genetic diversity / range of alleles within a species
State the two sources of phenotypic variation in the …(whale)… population.
Genes and environment
Algae used to belong to the kingdom Plantae but are now classified in the kingdom Protoctista.
State one reason why the algae is classified in the kingdom Protoctista and not in the kingdom Plantae.
Unicellular / not multicellular;
Motile / have flagella
Outline the role of IUCN
Global authority;
To give advice to conserve / protect nature / biodiversity;
Categorise species conservation status;
Influence governments;
Educate / raise awareness
Outline how an ecological survey can measure the biodiversity of a terrestrial habitat.
Use random sampling;
Repeat and fins mean;
Frame quadrats to measure plants / vegetation / stationary organisms;
Mark-release-recapture for animals;
Calculate Simpson’s index of diversity;
Species richness and relative abundance
Suggest the factors that need to be considered by organisations to successfully reintroduce and restore a breeding population. (Lynx)
Obtain healthy / fertile animals;
Test for genetic variation / diversity;
Consider if sufficient / suitable habitat available;
Consider if sufficient prey / food available;
Public safety advice / education;
Organise compensation for farmers who lose livestock;
Outlaw killing / disturbing lynx;
Monitor lynx / other animal / prey populations;
Control if population grows too much / spreads too fa
Describe and explain the 3 levels of biodiversity.
Species diversity — the number of different species within an area;
Habitat / ecosystem diversity — the number of different habitats within an area;
Genetic diversity — the diversity in genes within a species (intra-specific) OR in between species (inter-specific)
Outline how the students could measure the biodiversity of plants and insects.
Pooters / pitfall traps / nets / light traps;
Name the mathematical method OR statistical test that can be used :
To estimate the total biodiversity
To test whether plant biodiversity is associated with insect biodiversity
Simpson’s index of biodiversity;
Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient / Spearman’s rank correlation