Biochem Chapter 8 Flashcards
Phi Bonds (φ) =
Cα - N bond
Ψ (Psi) Bonds =
Cα – CO bond
Right handed α helix angles =
φ = -57 ψ = -47
Parallel β pleated sheet angles =
φ = -119 ψ = 113
Anti-Parallel β pleated sheet angles =
φ = -139 ψ = 135
α helix Characteristics:
1.Φ = -57° and Ψ = -47° 2.n = 3.6 residues /turn. 3.Pitch = 5.4 Å 4.H-bonding = COi – HNi+4
Poly-P and poly-G sequences form
polyproline II helices characterized by:
- Left handed
- 3 residues/turn.
- No stabilization due to H-bonding.
β pleated sheet Characteristics:
2.Φ = -60° - -150° and Ψ = 90° - 180°.
3.Distance between Cαi
and Cαi+2 = 7 Å.
4.Average # of residues / strand = 6.
So average length of sheet = 21 Å.
Range of # of residues /strand = 3-15.
5.Average # of strands / sheet = 6.
So average width of sheet = 25 Å.
Range of # of strands /sheet = 2-22*.
6.Side chains stick out above and below
the plane of the sheet.
Anti-Parallel β pleated sheet H-bonding
NHi – COp
COi – NHp
NHi+2 – COp-2
COi+2 – NHp-2
Parallel β pleated sheet H-bonding
NHi – COp-2
COi – NHp
NHi+2 – COp
COi+2 – NHp+2
The polypeptide chain is twisted equally at each
residue so that the main chain acquires a helical
conformation. Residues have characteristic H-bonding
pattern and Φ,Ψ values.
The polypeptide chain is incompletely extended
and H-bonding is between different parts of the (or
completely different) polypeptide(s). Residues have
characteristic H-bonding pattern and ΦΨ values.
Reverse turns / β-bends:
Consist of 4 residues, reverses
direction of polypeptide chain and serves as a connector
between secondary structure elements. Residues have
characteristic H-bonding pattern and ΦΨ values.
Loops / coils:
Flexible length and structures. May be
ordered or disordered. Different from term: Random coil.
Higher Order Organization of α-Keratin
1. Keratin monomers: Type I and type II α- keratin have a similar architecture. 2. Coiled-coil dimer: A molecule each of type I and type II α-keratin dimerize to form a coiled-coil dimer.
Diseases Involving Inherited Defects in
Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Brittle Bone disease. Caused by
mutations in Type I collagen. Severity depends on location and type
of mutations. For instance: G mutations. Mutations affecting
tropocollagen structure are dominant mutations.
. 3-D reconstructions from transmission electron
Current resolution limit ~ 10 Å. Limited by size:
Needs to be larger than 300 kDa. Useful for macromolecular
complexes. Sample need not be perfectly pure.
X-ray crystallography :
: Typical resolution limit ~ 1.5 - 3.0 Å.
Useful for small inorganic molecules to supramolecular
assemblies. Chief limit: Have to produce diffraction-quality
crystals of samples.
Resolution limit ~ 2 -2.5 Å. Limited by size: Needs to be
smaller than 30 kDa. Indirect method. Chief advantages:
No crystallization required. Dynamic measurements.
Differences between macromolecule and small molecule crystals:
- are squishable: 40-60% aqueous (hence they maintain native
structures), so very fragile. Small molecule crystals are hard (shatter when
crushed). - have large unit cells: related to large sizes of macromolecule. So spots
are very closely spaced. - diffract to lower resolution: Resolution limit ~1.5 -3.0 Å. due to dynamic
state of molecule: For small molecules resolution limits are a fraction of an
Evidence that macromolecule structures in crystals are “native”:
- The normal environment of macromolecules is maintained as crystals are
40-60% aqueous, so macromolecules maintain their native structures. - Different crystal forms of a protein in a given state produce near-identical
structures. - To date almost all structures agree with solution structures.
- Crystals of enzymes are often catalytically active.
TIM Barrels
8 or more parallel β-strands with right-handed connections
consisting of α-helices.
• Strands form a barrel inside; helices cover the outside of barrel.
• Side-chains packed in between 4 layers of secondary structure.
Includes 10% of enzymes.
• Most αβ barrels are enzymes.
• Divergent or convergent
evolution not agreed upon!
The β-Sandwich
• Two anti-parallel 4- and 3- stranded sheets. • Sheets packed face to face. • Strands of each sheet are tilted with respect to each other for efficient packing of sidechains.
Primary (1°) structure:
The sequence of amino acids linked by peptide bonds constituting a polypeptide chain.
Secondary (2°) structure:
Describes the three dimensional local conformation of the polypeptide backbone (main chain). Side chain interactions are not considered.
Tertiary (3°) structure:
Describes its three-dimensional arrangement of all its components – i.e. the arrangement of its secondary structures, as well as the spatial arrangement of the side chains.
Quaternary (4°) structure:
Describes the number and spatial arrangement of multiple polypeptide subunits that form a functional protein.