Bioactive Phytochemicals Flashcards
ether-linked glycerols found in shark liver oil - make activate macrophases and natural killer cells
Found in garlic and onions - may reduce serum total cholesterol concentration and blood pressure
Allylic sulfides
found in garlic, onions, leeks, shallots, and chives
- antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic
- activate liver detox enzymes
-inhibit cholesterol synthesis
- reduce blood pressure
- improve immune response,
- increase resistance to infection organism and parasites
long, densely-branched polysaccharides bound to proteins
- found in carrots, radish, pear, maize, wheat, red grapes, tomatoes
- may inhibit tumorigenesis and metastasis
linear polymers of monosaccharides
- mushrooms
-stimulate phagocytosis and cytotoxic NK cell activity
- beta-d-glucans from oats are soluble dietary fiber
Biochanin A
water insoluble isoflavone in red clover
- weak estrogenic, antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, and hypolipidemic properties
more than 600 different tetraterpenes (beta-carotene) and xanthophylls (carotenoid alcohols)
- in plants with bright red, orange, and yellow pigments
-only alpha, beta, and epsilon exhibit vitamin A activity
- tissue specific actions
- enhance immune response
- protect against ultraviolet radiation
-spare glutathione peroxidase
Terpenes = antioxidants (green)
Lutein & zeaxanthine = antioxidant, phytoestrogenic
polysulfated straight-chain galactans
- red seaweeds that resist digestion
- may be hypocholesterolemic
- greatest in grape seeds and green tea leaves
- antioxidant, maybe antimicrobial, antiviral, chemopreventive
- increase basal energy expenditure and rate of beta-oxidation of fatty acids
- fermentation of green tea leaves to black tea creates biologically inert pigments
Cetyl Myristoleate
unsubstantiated claims of effect treatment for arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, immune disorders
green plant photoreceptive pigment
- may be antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic
Colosolic acid
triterpene from leaves of lagerstroemia speciosa
- “botanical insulin” bc it may accelerate glucose clearance from circulation
polyphenolic pigments found in rhizomes of tumeric
- antioxidan, anticoagulant, chologenic activities
- may be anticarcinogenic, antiviral, and hypolipidemic
- only half of ingested is absorbed
act as phytoestrogens (compete w/ estrogen receptors but low biological activity)
- soybeans (genistein), chickpeas, beans, and legume vegetables
neutralize free radicals in membrane lipid peroxidation
act as phytoestrogens
- falx seed, soybeans, wheat bran, oatmeal
- garlic, sage, camphor, dill
- increase expression of hepatic Phase 1 and II enzymes for detox
- inhibit neoplastic promotion and progression
Lipoic acid and Ubiquinone
antioxidants that reduce (recycle) oxidized antioxidants
Bioflavonoids (flavonoids and isoflavins)
- citrus fruits, soybeans, legume vegetables, onions, apples, wine, green teas, licorice root, flax seeds
- over 1500 - eg. hesperidin, glycosides, tageretin, quercitin, rutin
- inhibit estrogen synthesis
- potent antioxidants
- inhibit cell proliferation
- strengthen capillary integrity
- enhance effects of vitamin C
hydrocolloidal polysaccharide
- source of soluble dietary fiber
- laxative activity
- glucose homeostasis and weight mgmt by interfering w/ adsorption of dietary nonfiber carbs
- may cause ab distension and flatulence
converted to indoles and isothiocyanates upon chewing
- cruciferous vegetables
- deactivate chemical carcinogens
- activate liver and GI detox enzymes
degradation product
of glucosinolates
- increase ratio of circulating anticarcinogenic to procarcinogenic compounds
- inhibit conversion of estradiol to procarcinogenic metabolite
acyclic isomers of beta-carotene
- tomatoes and red grapefruit
- antioxidant
- may help prevent prostate cancer
long-chain saturated primary alcohol
- from wax covering green blades of wheat
- may be hypocholesterolemic
Perilla oil
contains ALA
in plants that produce blue, blue-red, and biolet pigments (almost all plants)
- inhibit specific inflammatory enzymes, modifying prostaglandin synthesizing pathways
isoflavones, lignans, coumestrol, zearalenol, zearalenone
- bind to estrogen receptors w/ low biological activity
found in soybeans and most other plants
- inhibit absorption of dietary cholesterol
- inhibit tumorigenesis in colon, breast, prostate
long-chain primary aliphatic saturated alcohols
- from sugar cane, yams, beeswax
- hypocholesterolemic
found in garlic, green teas, soybeans, citrus fruits, onions, apples, licorice root, flax seeds, grapes, wine
- inhibit inflammation
- strengthen capillary integrity
- inhibit hormone binding
Protease inhibitors
soybeans and legumes
- inhibit generation of free radicals by radiation and may retard carcinogenesis
procyanidins, proanthocyanidins, catechins, phenolic acids (quercitin, gallic, caffeic, ferulic acids)
- from bark of French maritime pine tree (pinus maritima)
- antioxidants
- stimulate increased glutathione synthesis and expression of glutathione reductase and peroxidase
- increases blood flow in brain and heart
found in legume vegetables, spinach, tomatoes, potatoes
- inhibit cancer cells
- reduces serum total cholesterol concentration
breakdown product of glucoraphanin (sulforaphane glucosinolate)
- cruciferous vegetables
- induces expression of hepatic Phase II detox esp. glutathione S-transferase and quinone reductase
sulfur-containing antioxidants found in garlic and cruciferous vegetables