BIO safety Flashcards
Which of the following statements about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are correct?
A. PPE must be worn and stored only inside the laboratory
B. PPE must be chosen based upon the work being completed
C. Students, Staff and instructors utilizing PPE must be properly trained
D. All of the above
The main purpose of a laboratory coat is to:
A. Keep your clothes from being ruined
B. Help assess the cleanliness of the laboratory
C. Identify you as a trained professional
D Keep contamination off your clothing
E. Give you access to several pockets at once
Laboratory coats must be taken home after each laboratory session.
A. True
B. False
It is okay to wear sandals in the lab as long as you also wear socks
A. True
B. False
You cannot use a gloved hand to open door to hallway.
A. True
B. False
Valid method(s) of compliance is / are:
A. Eating, drinking, smoking or applying cosmetics in the work area
B. Pipetting by mouth
C. Washing hands before leaving the work area
D. Wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
E. C and D above
An ideal container for biohazard waste would:
A. Be hard-sided
B. Have a foot operated lid
C. Be easily decontaminated
D All of the above
The following material may be disposed of in the regular trash:
A. Gloves
B. Contaminated paper towels
C. Broken glass
D. None of the above
How should biological materials that need to be transported from one area of the lab to another area of the lab be handled?
A. Wear a lab coat and transport materials in your pocket
B Wear required PPE (lab coat, gloves, eye protection) and carrying the material in a rack
C. PPE is not required when transporting biological materials
D. None of the above are correct
A Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2) lab works with agents that may be described as:
A. Not associated with disease in healthy adult humans
B. Associated with human disease which is rarely serious and for which preventive or therapeutic interventions are often available
C. Associated with serious or lethal human disease for which preventive or therapeutic interventions may not be available but are not readily transmissible to others (high individual risk but low community risk)
If gloves are worn when handling viable, potentially infectious material, there should be no need for hand washing.
A. True
B False
Alcohol-based hand sanitizers should be used in place of hand washing for removal of broad-spectrum infectious organisms.
A. True
B. False
Safe Sharps practices refers to:
A. Plastic ware substituted for glassware
B. Needle designs engineered to minimize needle stick injuries
C. Discouraging the practice of recapping needles
D. All of the above
You should consult with your physician to assess health risks involved with BSL-2 material that you are working with when:
A. You have an acute illness such as flu or COVID-19
B. You are pregnant
C. You have been diagnosed with or suspect that you may have an immune disorder
D All of the above
Vortexing can generate aerosols.
Open flames are not allowed in a biological safety cabinet because
A. They disrupt airflow patterns that protect user and product
B. They can damage HEPA filters
C. They pose a fire hazard
D. All of the above
Acceptable alternatives to Bunsen burner use in the biological safety cabinet (BSC) include:
A. Disposable loops
B. Disposable spreaders
C. Bacti- incinerator
D. All of the above
Biohazard symbols must be present only on the doors to BSL2 labs but not on equipment in the labs.
A. True
B. False
Which of the following practices should be utilized when working in a biological safety cabinet?
A. Disinfect all surfaces of the BSC before and after work
B. Disinfect all items which go into and come out of the BSC
C. Allow the BSC to operate before work begins and after work ceases
D. All of the above
Disinfect work bench before and after laboratory session
A. True
B. False
You should do all the following in the event of an exposure. EXCEPT
A. Run to your locker to get your phone to search online “What to do in the event of an
B. Be familiar with the policy and know what to do in the event of an exposure
C. Wash thoroughly, report incident
D. Follow up with health care if necessary
A Biological safety cabinet (BSC) is not:
A. A cabinet that provides a sterile work environment for manipulations
B. A cabinet that provides protection of the worker conducting the manipulations
C. A cabinet that provides protection of the surrounding laboratory and the environment
D A biological safety cabinet does all of these things
You should do the following in the event of a spill:
A. Use appropriate PPE: gloves, safety and lab coat
B. After allowing the spill to sit with the disinfectant for a short time, carefully clean up and place the materials in a biohazard autoclave bag to be autoclaved.
C. If there is broken glass, it should be cleaned up using tongs or a dust pan and placed into either a sharps container or a biohazard bag inside a box.
D All of the above
E. None of the above
Which of the following exposures is most unlikely to result in a laboratory acquired infection at
A. Splash to mucous membranes
B. Hand to mouth contact
C Unprotected hands
D. Needle stick
What is the single most effective way of breaking the chain of infection?
A. Wearing a lab coat at all times
B Washing hands
C. Prophylactic treatment with antibiotics
D. Maintaining standard room temperature in the lab