Bio Quiz Review Flashcards
Due to pathogen
Ex: malaria, HIV
inherited, in the genes, not contagious
Ex: CF, Sickle cell,PKU
R, does masking, shows itself
r, is masked, is hidden
alternate form of a gene (A or a)
genetically inherited phenotype (hair color)
version of a trait (blue, brown, blond)
Genetic Screening
separate and identify individuals from a population
16 weeks, fluid from amnion, 1/200 miscarriage risk, may get mom cells
Chorionic villus sampling
10 weeks, chorion from placenta, high risk, stronger sample of fetal tissue
Protein that allows passage of CL outside the cell. It is mutated or absent in CF, therefore, decrease in H2O leaving the cells= thick secretions on outside of cells of lungs, pancreas, small intestine- blocked with mucus
Genetics: Skin color, Sex, Height, Thrill Seeking
Language Spoken
Nature & Nurture
Musculature, Behavior
High amount of MAO
low thrill seeking (inverse)
Low amount of MAO
High thrill seeking (inverse)
monoamine oxidase (Thrill seeking)
Why are Identical Twins good for research?
Same DNA, Nature v. Nurture
Pure chance
All occurrences have an equal opportunity of occurring
EX: Coin Flip, rolling dice
NOT EX: NFL- Skill
= # of times a choice can occur/total number of alternatives
= # of occurrences of a choice/total # of occurrences
1st Law of probability
One occurrence on a purely chance situation has no effect on late occurrence
EX: Coin flip stays 50/50 even after a flip
2nd Law of probability
Theoretical Probability,
The probability of simultaneous chance events occurring is equal to the product (Multiply) of the two probabilities of the events taken separately
Suit Prob X # Prob
Theoretical Probability
of times a choice can occur/ total # of alternatives
Experimental Probability
of occurrences of choice/total of all occurrences
Sickle Cell Anemia
Inheritance ,Cause, Signs and symptoms
RR: normal, no sickles
RS: sickle cell trait, few sickles
SS: sickle disease, all sickles
due to a defective gene
Change in 1 amino acid-> changes whole hemoglobin protein shape
Pain, fatigue, anemia, organ damage (Spleen and heart), Death
Sickle Cell Anemia: Diagnosis, Treatment,Incidence
Blood Test
CVS: Chorionic villus sampling
Blood transfusions, pain killers, bone marrow transplants, stem cells
African Americans-> 1/13 are carriers-> 1/365 affected
Heterozygote advantage: plasmodium lives in RBC. Sickling has advantage to malaria resistance
Jean Lamarck
Theory of Use and Disuse
Acquired characteristics
Evolution right, mechanism wrong!
Changes in populations over time
Natural selection
Differential success in survival and reproduction of individuals with different phenotypes resulting from interactions with their environment
Gregor Mendel
Father of genetics/probability
Charles Darwin
Theory of evolution by natural selection, was the first to propose a feasible mechanism for evolution
Variation- there are a variety of forms of traits or phenotypes
Inheritance- only traits that are determined by an organism’s genes will be passed to the next generation, some variation is caused by environment (limb loss/building of the muscle), these traits are not heritable
Selection/Survival and reproduction- individuals compete for limited resources, such as food shelter, and mates. Individuals with traits best adapted for the environment are able to out compete other individuals for resources, allowing them to survive and reproduce more.
Time/Transmission- evolution occurs over generation
Adaptations- an inherited characteristic that increases an organism’s chance of surviving and reproducing. Over time, natural selections cause adaptations to become more common in a population
What causes genetic variation?
Mutations- changes in the DNA sequence can result in new traits
Sexual reproduction- new combinations of traits can be created in gametes due to crossing over and independent assortment during meiosis
The wide variety of gametes created will join together to make diverse offspring
Survival of the fittest
Evolutionary fitness isn’t a measure of physical fitness but reproductive fitness
Relative ability to survive and produce fertile offspring in an environment
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Cause: defective gene- defective enzyme, inability to break down phenylalanine
1/15,000 births in the US
Symptoms: mental retardation, seizures, lack of pigment in skin and hair, musty/black urine
Inheritance: Chromosome 12- recessive
Treatment: Phenyl Free, no meat/low protein diet
Prevention: Screen infants at birth- check for levels of Phenylalanine (High)
Heel Prick Test
2nd Law of Probability calculation
1/6 x 1/6 = 1/36
1/36 + 1/36 = 2/36
2 Capital letters, 3 phenotypes–> Blend
Sickle Cell
How are Malaria and Sickle Cell related?
Mosquitos can’t breed in sickle cells
Cystic fibrosis
Symptoms, Cause, Treatment,
Transmission, Diagnosis
Lung issues, breathing problems,coughing, mucus build-up, salty sweat
Recessive mutated gene that is inherited from a parent
Lots of meds/drugs, breathing machine
RNA Therapy
Gene Transfer
Gene Editing
Both parents have to have the recessive mutated gene, it is then passed down to the kid
Genetic screening, blood test, Amniocentesis, Chorionic villus sampling