Bio Quiz 3 Flashcards
Trisomy 21
Extra chromosome on chromosome 21.
Flat face, eyes slant up, white spots in iris, excessive flexibility.
Trisomy 18 (Edwards)
Rocker bottom feet, fingers overlap, clenched fist, low-set ears
Trisomy 13 (Patau)
Absent eyebrows, undescended/abnormal testes, extra fingers, cleft lip and or palate.
Klinefelters syndrome (XXY)
Small testes, lack of facial pubic underarm hair, breast tissue development, poor muscle development.
Turners Syndrome
Soft nails that turn upwards, short stature, do not start puberty naturally, osteoporosis.
Trisomic zygote
Extra chromosome, offspring sometimes survive.
Monosomic zygote
Chromosome lacking, rarely survive
What is non disjunction
The failure of homo chromosomes to separate properly during meiosis.
What are the 4 abnormal chromosome structures?
Duplication, deletion, inversion, translocation.
What is mitosis?
Reproduction section of a cell’s life.
What happens in the G1 phase?
Cell grows, organelles double.
What is checked at the G1 checkpoint?
Adequate size, nutrient availability is sufficient, growth factors are present.
WhAt happens in the S phase?
DNA gets copied
What happens in the G2 phase?
Checking if the cell is ready for division.
What is checked at the G2 checkpoint?
Cell size is adequate, chromosome replication is successfully completed
Specific locations on the chromosomes where genes are found.
Scientific study of Heredity and variation. (How things change and how things are passed on)
Capsule containing DNA
Genetic material found in the chromosome.
Subunit on DNA. They are codes for particular traits.
Sexual reproduction
The fusion of two sex cells from two parents. The genetic makeup of the offspring is different from either parent. Half of genetic material comes from each parent.
Asexual reproduction
Offspring is produced from one parent not using sex cells (binary fission). Offspring is identical to parent.
Sex cell
Fusion of gametes resulting Ina zygote.
A fertilized egg
Homologous chromosomes
Matching pairs of chromosomes, similar in size and carrying info for same genes.
1 set of chromosomes
2 sets of chromosomes (2n)
What stage of meiosis does crossing over happen in?
Metaphase 1
What is crossing over?
Random switching and swapping of chromosomes.
When does random assortment happen?
Metaphase 1.
What is random/independent assortment?
Random different cells next to each other.
What are the reasons why kids are different?
Crossing over and random assortment introduce genetic variation into offspring.
What is oogensis?
The production of mature egg cells.
What happens during oogenesis and spermatogenesis?
46–23 +23–23+23+23+23
Why is oohensis different than speratogenesis?
One of the daughter cells receives most of the cytoplasm, the other 3 (polar bodies)die.