Bio Of Tissue Response To Disease Flashcards
Initiation and amplification of the
inflammatory response and determination of its pattern severity, clinical and pathologic manifestations
Infection, trauma, tissue death, physical,
chemical and immunologic injury
. Inflammation
Process: Exudation of fluid from vessels → Attraction of leukocytes to the injury → Engulfment and
destruction of bacteria, tissue debris etc. → Activation
of chemical mediators → Proteolytic degradation of
extracellular debris → Restoration of injured tissue to
its normal structure and function
Termination of inflammation:
Termination of inflammation: By elimination of
offending agent (break down of mediators, short life span
of leukos and activation of anti-inflammatory mediators)
Inflammation may be also harmful in particular
situations, when:
- Inappropriately directed against self tissues
- Not adequately controlled
• Examples of the previous statement are: Rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, lung fibrosis, etc.
Cardinal Signs:
-Cardinal Signs:
1. Rubor (redness)
2. Dolor (pain)
3. Calor (heat)
4. Tumor (swelling)
5. Functio laesia (loss of function)
+ pallor??
Types of Inflammatory Cells
-▫ Neutrophils
▫ Monocytes-Macrophages
▫ Lymphocytes
▫ Eosinophils
▫ Mast cells and Basophils
Acute Inflammation
Major components:
Major components:
▫ Alterations in vascular caliber(size) → ↑ in blood flow
▫ Structural changes in microvasculature → Allows
plasma proteins and leukocytes leave the circulation ▫ Emigration of leukocytes from blood vessels to
focus of injury + their activation → Elimination of
offending agent
What causes acute inflammation?
▫ Infections (e.g. bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic)
▫ Tissue necrosis (e.g. ischaemia, trauma, physical
and chemical injury)
▫ Foreign bodies (e.g. splinters, dirt, sutures)
▫ Immune (hypersensitivity) reactions: Directed
against self-Ags → Cause autoimmune diseases
(immune mediated inflammatory diseases)
▫ Ultra-filtrate of blood plasma due to imbalance btw. osmotic and hydrostatic pressure across vessel wall
▫ Characterised by the following:
Low protein content
Low specific gravity
Little or no cellular material
‘▫ Increase of vascular permeability
▫ Associated with inflammatory reaction
▫ Extravascular fluid with following characteristics:
High protein concentration
High specific gravity
Contains cellular debris
Reactions of Blood Vessels in AI
-Changes in Vascular Flow and Caliber:
- Increased Vascular Permeability
Changes in Vascular Flow and Caliber:
- Vasodilatation of arterioles and opening of new
capillary beds in the region → Increased blood flow → Cause of heat and redness of the affected area - Increased permeability of microvasculature →
Escape of protein-rich fluid into extravascular tissues 3. Loss of fluid + ↑ vessel diameter → Causes:
a. Slower blood flow
b. Concentration of erythrocytes in small vessels
c. Increased blood viscosity
All of the above result in dilatation of small vessels With slowly moving erythrocytes (stasis) - Accumulation of neutrophils along the vascular
endothelium and expression of adhesion
molecules by endothelial cells → Adherence of
leukocytes to the endothelium → Extravasation of
leukocytes and migration to the interstitial tissue
B. Increased Vascular Permeability
▪ Leads to the escape of protein-rich exudate into the
extravascular space → Oedema
▪ Responsible Factors:
a. Contraction of endothelial cells → Increase in inter-
endothelial spaces (mechanism known as immediate transient response; elicited by Histamine, Brady- kinin, Leukotrienes, Substance P, etc.).
b. Endothelial injury → Endothelial cell necrosis and
detachment (causes: burns, microbial action, neutros)
c. Increased transport of fluid and proteins through
endothelium (by the action of specific channels)