Bio (genetics) Flashcards
Different forms of a gene due to slightly different order of bases e.g brows eyes/blue eyes
Allele frequency
is a measure of the relative frequency of an allele on a genetic locus in a population
Asexual reproduction
Reproduction incolving only one parent. doesnt produce genetic variation
point of contact, the physical link, between two (non-sister) chromatids belonging to homologous chromosomes during crossing over
heterozygous individuals have a phenotype that shows the phenotype of both parents
Complete dominance
A form of dominance in heterozygous condition where in the allele that is regarded as dominant completely masks the effect of the allele that is recessive
crossing over
occurs during meiosis, when the homologous chromosomes line up at the equator, sometimes they tangle, snap and extange genetic information
a cell or an organisim consisting of two sets of chromosomes: usually, one set from the mother and another set from the farther
is the change in the characteristics of a species over several generations and relies on the process of natural selection
A process in sexual reproduction that involves the union of male (sperm)
and female (ovum) gametes (each with a single, haploid set of
chromosomes) to produce a diploid zygote
The parental generation (P) is the first set of parents crossed. The F1 (first
filial) generation consists of all the offspring from the parents
Founder effect
Is the loss of genetic variation that occurs when a new population is
established by a very small number of individuals from a larger
sex cell of an organism e.g. sperm, egg, pollen or ova
Gametic cells
Sex cells, e.g. sperm, egg, pollen and ova, cells with half the chromosome
number. If a mutation occurs in one of these cells and that cell results in
a zygote, all cells in the offspring will have that mutation
a length of DNA that holds the instructions for a characteristic
Gene pool
Refers to the total number of genes of every indevidual in a population
Genetic diversity
The total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a species
Genetic drift
is the change in the frequency of an existing gene variant (allele) in a
population due to random chance alone and not natural selection.
the genetic makeup of the organism
when a cell has half the usual number of chromosomes