BIO 312 Lab Exam #4 Flashcards
Is skeletal muscle voluntary?
Skeletal muscle location
Is skeletal muscle striated
Skeletal muscle structure
Endomysium: thin layer of connective tissue surrounding each individual muscle fiber
Fascicles: muscle cell bundles consisting of muscle fibers gathered side by side
Perimysium: collagenous sheath surrounding each fascicle
Epimysium: fascicles are bound together by an even coarser coat of denser fibrous connective tissue which surrounds the entire muscle
Contains multiple nuclei
Cardiac muscle location
ONLY in the heart
Is cardiac muscle voluntary?
Is cardiac muscle striated?
Other facts about cardiac muscle
There are intercalated discs that look like dark stripes across the nucleus
Location of smooth muscle
Lining of digestive tract
Is smooth muscle voluntary?
Is smooth muscle striated?
Central fleshy portion of a muscle
Type of movement produced by a muscle’s contraction (flexion/extension, etc…)
Stable, non moving end of the muscle (usually proximal end in limb muscles or when it has multiple origins they are called Heads)
Moving end of musscle
Narrow band or cord of dense connective tissue joining muscle to bone or other connective tissue
Broad, thin sheet of connective tissue joining muscle to bone or other connective tissue
A ligamentous band which stabilizes the tendons of the extremities
Muscle directly responsible for a given movement
Produces the opposite action of an agonist
Contracts to prevent movement of a joint to stabilize origin of an agonist
Assists agonist
Parallel to the midline
Perpendicular to the midline
Diagonal to the midline
Masseter with action
Elevates mandible
Only on models
Temporalis with action
Elevates mandible
Only on models
Above ear, where temporal bone is
Splenius Capitis with action
Extend neck
Where your CAP (hat) would sit on the back of the neck
Sternocleidomastoid with action
Flex neck
Interior side
Sternum to clavicle to mastoid process of the mandible
External intercostals with action
Elevate ribs
Internal intercostals with action
Depress ribs
Point up and enter body
Diaphragm with action
Expand thoracic cavity
Inside of body under rib cage
Rectus abdominis with action
Compress abdomen
Inside layer, six pack ribs
External oblique with action
Compress abdomen
Point down, exit body, top layer
Internal oblique with action
Compress abdomen
Point up, enter body, middle layer
Transversus abdominis with action
Compress abdomen
Inside layer, goes side to side, same layer as rectUS abdominis (each ends with US)
Iliocostalis group with action
Extend vertebral column
Closest group to ribs and side of body
On posterior side
Longissimus group with action
Extend vertebral column
On posterior side
In between iliocostalis group and spinalis group
Spinalis group with action
Extend vertebral column
On posterior side on spine
Pectoralis minor with action
Depress shoulder
On inside
On back
Serratus anterior with action
Rotate scapula upward
On back over scapula, shaped like a triangle
Trapezius with action
Elevate scapula
On back over scapula, shaped like a triangle
Levator scapulae with action
Elevate scapula
Neck to shoulders, above rhomboid minor
Rhomboid major with action
Rotate scapula downward
Big, closer to butt
Rhomboid minor with action
Rotate scapula downward
Above rhomboid major
Pectoralis minor with action
Flex arm
On top, over chest on anterior side
Latissimus dorsi with action
Extend arm
Big fan on back
Deltoid with action
Adduct arm (bring closer to body???) Covers shoulders
Coracobrachialis with action
Flex arm
By musculocutaneous
Subscapularis with action
Medially rotate arm
Anterior, inside of scapula
Supraspinatus with action
Abduct arm (bring away from body) Top of spine of scapula
Infraspinatus with action
Laterally rotate arm
Below spine of scapula
Teres minor with action
Laterally rotate arm
Bottom part of scapula
Teres major with action
Extend arm
Bigger, below teres minor
Anterior muscles are……..
Anterior muscles are FLEXORS
Posterior muscles are………….
Posterior muscles are EXTENSORS
Biceps brachii with origin, action, and insertion
Origin: long head is the cavity region and the short head is the coracoid process of the scapula Insertion: radial tuberosity Action: flex forearm Long=lateral (L&L) Short= medial
Brachialis with action, origin, and insertion
Origin: humerus
Insertion: coronoid process of ulna
Action: flex forearm
Under biceps brachii
Brachioradialis with origin, insertion, nd action
Origin: distal humerus
Insertion: radial styloid process
Action: flex forearm
More on forearm
Pronator Teres with origin, insertion, nd action
Origin: medial epicondyle of humerus and ulnar coronoid process
Insertion: lateral shaft of radius
Action: flex forearm
Short, inside of elbow to outside of hand
Triceps brachii with origin, insertion, and action
Origin of long head: scapula
Origin of lateral and medial heads: posterior shaft of humerus
Insertion: olecranon process of ulna
Action: extend forearm
Long head: on top of posterior of arm, in between two other heads
Lateral head is on the outside
Medial head is on the inside closest to chest
- Flexor Carpi radialis with action, origin, and insertion
Origin: medial epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: metacarpals II and III
Action: flex wrist
Medial, goes to thumb
Palmaris longus with origin, insertion, and action
Origin: medial epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: palmar aponeurosis
Action: flex wrist
Skinny, in between 1&2, muscle and tendon are flipped
- Flexor Carpi ulnaris with origin, insertion, and action
Origin: medial epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: pisiform, hamate, and metacarpal V
Action: flex wrist
Lateral, goes to pinky
Flexor digitorum superficialis with origin, insertion, and action
Origin: medial epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: middle phalanges II-V
Action: flex wrist
In between 1&2
Flexor digitorum profundus with origin, insertion, and action
Origin: coronoid process and shaft of ulna
Insertion: distal phalanges II-V
Action: flex wrist
Under flexor digitorum superficialis
Extensor Carpi radialis longus with origin, insertion, and action
Origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: metacarpal II
Action: extends wrist
By brachioradialis
Extensor Carpi radially brevis with origin, insertion, and action
Origin: lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Insertion: metacarpal III
Action: extends wrist
Right underneath extensor Carpi radialis longus
Extensor digitorum ith origin, insertion, and action
Origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: middle and distal phalanges II-V
Action: extends wrist
Goes to fingers
Extensor Carpi ulnaris with origin, insertion, and action
Origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: metacarpal V
Action: extends wrist
On lateral side
Pollicis group with origin, insertion, and action
Origin: shaft of radius and ulna
Insertion: metacarpal I
Action: extends phalange I
On posterior of hand, goes over thumb
Eyes up means…..
Eyes up means EXTENSOR
Face down means……..
Face down means FLEXOR
Tensor fasciae latae with action
Flex thigh
Sheet in lateral thigh
Sartorius with action
Flex thigh
Seat belt
Goes from lateral to medial
Iliopsoas with action
Flex thigh
Lateral of femoral triangle
In the middle of the upper thigh
Adductor brevis with action
Flex thigh
Under pectineus, medial thigh
Adductor longus with action
Flex thigh
Goes from groin to the inner thigh, medial thigh
Adductor Magnus with action
Adduct thigh
Medial thigh, on the side, below adductor Magnus
Biggest and thickest of the adductor Magnus
Pectineus with action
Adduct thigh
By your pecker, medial to femoral triangle
Gracilis with action
Adduct thigh
Hangs in solution, “greasy”, by inner thigh
Gluteus Maximus with action
Extend thigh
Top of butt
Gluteus medius with action
Abduct thigh
Under gluteus Maximus
Gluteus minimus with action
Abduct thigh
Under gluteus medius
Piriformis with action
Abduct thigh
Middle of butt, shaped like a pyramid
Quadratus femoris with action
Laterally rotate thigh
Under all of the gluts, shaped like a rectangle (4 sides=quad)
Middle of the back of legs, under sciatic nerve
RectUS femoris with action
Extend leg
Top of thigh
Vastus lateralis with action
Extend leg
Lateral, right above knee
Vastus medialis with action
Extend leg
Medial, right above knee
Vastus intermedius with action
Extend leg
Under rectUS femoris
Biceps femoris with action
Flex leg
Most lateral of posterior thigh
Long: medial
Short: lateral
Semitendinosus with action
Flex leg
Ends in a tendon
In between biceps femoris and semimembranosus
Semimembranosus with action
Flex leg
Most medial of posterior thigh
Next to semitendinosus
Tibialis anterior with action
Dorsiflex foot
Before malleolus
Extensor hallucis longus with action
Dorsiflex foot
Next to tibialis anterior, goes to big toe
Extensor digitorum longus with action
Dorsiflex foot
Goes to rest of toes
Fibularis (peroneus) longus with action
Evert foot
On top, behind malleolus
Fibularis (peroneus) brevis with action
Evert foot
Under fibularis longus, behind malleolus
Fibularis (peroneus) tertius with action
Evert foot
On side and in front of malleolus, next to extensor digitorum longus
Tibialis posterior with action
Invert foot
Before malleolus
Flexor digitorum longus with action
Invert foot
Before malleolus
Flexor hallucis longus with action
Invert foot
Deepest one, under tibial nerve
Gastrocnemius with action
Flex leg
Top of calf, has two heads
Soleus with action
Plantar flex foot
Under gastrocnemius, has lots of SHINY tissue
Plantaris with action
Flex leg
Small, right on back of knee, in between two heads of gastrocnemius and has a long tendon string attached to it