Bio 209 Lab Flashcards
what is the terms used for front veiw of the body?
anterior, frontal
what is the term used for veiwing the back side of the body?
posterior, dorsal
what is the term used to decribe away from midline
what is the terms to descirbe high and below
superior, inferior
what is the terms used to describe closer to the body and away from the body?
promixal and distal
what is the name of the plane that seprates front from back
frontal plane
what is the cut through the middle
what is the cut that is straight across
what is the cut that is at an angle
what is the cut that is to the side but down the middle
what is histology and tissues?
study of tissues
groups of cells that carry out a speical funtion
what are the 4 main types of tissues
connective tissue
muscular tissue
nervous tissue
what are the 3 germ layers that epitheial comes from
what are the anchoring cell juntions
Adherens, desmosomes and hemidesmosomes are
what are funtional cell juntions
tight, gap juntions
what is epitheal tissue
cells packed close together in sheets or in single or mutiple layers