BIO 2 Flashcards
Advantages of BIO
- not affected by the patients refractive power
- good for nystagmus
- children
- portable
- far periphery
- large FOV
- stereopsis
Disadvantages of BIO
- difficult to learn
- les mag, small lesions not visible
- hard for small pupils
- more uncomfortable for some patients
Axis concept
Observer must move his head and tilt lens simultaneously
-entire image system must rotate along an axis that is centered at the patients pupil
Advantage of having a set order to the examination include
- minimizing the risk of overlooking any area of the ocular fund us
- aiding in the recall of the location of findings that are recorded at the conclusion of the examination
Recommended approach to BIO
Complete the examination of the right eye before bringing the left
What part of the retina is usually examined first in BIO
The peripheral fundus is usually examined before the posterior pole to allow the patient some time to light adapt
How do you view entire periphery
8 meridian using a 20D
How do you stand to view a certain meridian
Stand 180 degrees away from that meridian
The fundus image viewed through the condensing lens is _____ and _____
Inverted and reversed
What’s the best way to move the lens when moving on the retina
The observers head and condensing lens always move in the same direction as the side of the fundus picture toward which one wishes to move
To indicate the location of retinal lesions
- estimate the meridian in clock hours
- estimate the distance from the posterior pole or fundus landmarks such as the equator and the ora serrate in disc diameters
Patient is looking down and towards their nose, you are examining their right eye, where is the lesion located
You are examining the right eye of a patient looking down and to their right, what quadrant are you looking at
Inferior temporal