Bio Flashcards
How does the structure of a palisade cell in a leaf support its function?
Palisade cells are packed with chloroplasts and have an elongated shape to maximize light absorption for photosynthesis. They are found in the upper part of the leaf where they can capture the most sunlight.
- Question: What is the role of root hair cells in plants?
Answer: Root hair cells have long extensions that increase the surface area for
water and mineral absorption from the soil. Their thin walls allow efficient
transport of water into the plant.
- Question: How does the structure of sperm cells support reproduction?
Answer: Sperm cells have a long tail (flagellum) for swimming to reach the egg.
They also have a streamlined shape
many mitochondria for energy
enzymes in the head (acrosome) to penetrate the egg cell.
- Question: How does the structure of white blood cells relate to their role in the
immune system?
Answer: White blood cells can change shape to move toward sites of infection
and engulf pathogens (phagocytosis). Some white blood cells produce
antibodies to target and neutralize pathogens.
- Question: How are epithelial cells structured to form tissues in the skin or lining