Bio 1410 Chapter 7 part two pp 11-20 Flashcards
Cellular Respiration: Citric Acid Cycle
The citric acid cycle processes two acetyl CoA’s for each original glucose, thus two turns of the citric acid cycle occur.

What is the overall yeald per molecule of glucose?
Remember that two turns of the citric acid cycle occur creating twice what is shown in the image below.

What does substrate level phosphorylation produce?

Once the oxaloacetate is regenerated where is it sent?
Back into the citric acid cycle.

What is the final stage of cellular resperation?
Oxidative Phosphorylation

Where does oxidative phosphorylation takes place?
In the inner membrane of the mitochondria.

What part of the mitochondria enlarges the surface area, providing space for thousands of copies of the chain.
The cristae

Where are electrons transferred from electron donors (NADH and FADH2) to electron acceptors such as oxygen in a series of redox reactions.
The electron transport chain
Note that oxygen serves as the final electron acceptor

In the electron transport chain what serves as the final electron acceptor?
Note that oxygen serves as the final electron acceptor

Generally what type of molecule in the electron transport chain catalyzes a specific reaction?

What does the electron transport chain do?
Electron transport chain transfers electrons from electron donors (NADH andFADH2) to electronic acceptors such as oxygen in a series of redox reactions.

In the chemiosmosis stage of cellular respiration the resulting electro chemical gradient (H+) stores what?
Potential energy
(Think water held back by a dam)

What is the enzyme complex ATP synthase and what role does it play in chemiosmosis?
ATP synthase is an enzyme that creates a channel through the inner mitochondrial membrane through which H+ rushes back into the mitochondrial matrix

As the H+ rushes through the channel and spins a component of the ATP synthase enzyme what is the