bio 1 exam 4 Flashcards
change in the genetic composition of populations over time
understanding and biological application of the processes that result in genetic changes in population over time
evolutionary theory
presented strong evidence for the fact of evolution in 1809 but had no convincing ideas about HOW it occurred
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
3 parts of the evolutionary theory
- species change over time 2. divergent species share a common ancestor(descent without modification) 3. changes in species can be explained by natural selection
selective breeding of organisms
artificial selection
traits from one generation are passed along to future generations
ultimate sourcee of genetic modification
new versions of genes
novel alleles
recombination generates…
new combination of alleles
mutation introduces new ___ into a population
evolution is a property of a _______________
group of organisms
you are a ____ descendent of a large # of people but a ____ descendant of a relatively small subsample of them
genealogical, genetic
an explanation of the historical relationship among organisms
traits that become reduced/lost
evolution only works on ___traits
only ____ traits evolve in populations
the idea that natural processes at work today have been at work throughout the earth’s history and can explain all geological change
geologic uniformitarianism
who believed that war famine and other human catastrophes were going to result from overpopulation
Thomas malthus
different reproductive success of certain individuals with more or less desirable traits.
natural selection
______ is one mechanism by which evolution occurs
natural selection
change in biological POPULATIONS over time
a heritable change in DNA
four forces that cause allele frequencies to change
Mutations, random genetic drift, migration, natural selection
____ is a change in the allele frequency due to random sampling of gametes, random death and survival of individuals, and random variation in # of offspring
genetic drift
variance is inversely proportional to the initial ___
population size
situation in which one allele is lost and the other becomes the only one present in the population
genetic drift is not the same as natural selection because it occurs _____
gene flow or movement of individuals alleles from one population to another
gene flow has the capacity to ___ genetic diversity
genetic drift tends to ____ genetic diversity
two forces that cause genotype frequencies to change (but no change in allele frequencies)
recombination and non-random mating
rearrangement of genetic material
___ is when the probability that two individuals will mate is not the same for all possible pairs of individuals
non random mating
hardy weinberg equation
p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1
if a population is not at hardy Weinberg a _____ of truly random mating will restore that population to equilibrium
single generation
at ______ the frequency of alleles is the same from one generation to the next
hardy Weinberg equilibrium
a beneficial mutation that is favored by natural selection
have discrete quantities and are influenced by alleles at a single locus or just a few loci
qualitative traits
demonstrate continuous variation and are often influenced by a larger group of genes
quantitative traits
occurs when an extreme phenotype is the fittest to the trait moves in the direction of the extreme phenotype over time
directional selection
development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria is an example of
directional selection
what does a directional selection graph look like
straight upward sloping line and bell-shaped curve
the selection that favors average individuals
stabilizing selection
occurs when genetic variation decreases as the population stabilize around one intermediate trait
stabilizing selection
stabilizing selection ___ genetic variation
for directional selection, if you consider a single genetic locus it is called _____ for that variant
positive selection
for stabilizing selection, if you consider a single genetic locus it is called _____ for that variant
purifying selection
occurs when an intermediate trait is selected against and the trait tends toward both extreme phenotypes
disruptive selection
a selection that can result in a bimodal distribution of traits
disruptive selection
if an average phenotype is most fit ___ will occur
if one extreme phenotype is most fit _____ will occur
directional selection
if both extreme phenotypes are most fit ____ will occur
disruptive selection
multiple forms or multiple alleles
a gradual change in phenotype over a temperature gradient
clinal variation
occurs when fitness depends on the relative frequency of a genotype or phenotype in the population
frequency-dependent selection
a special case of natural selection in which specific characteristics of some sex are favored
sexual selection
an individuals ____ is a measure of its contribution to the next generation
two types of fitness
absolute and relative