Binary tree Flashcards
Binary Tree maximum path sum
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Height of Binary Tree after Subtree Removal Queries - G
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Number of good leaf nodes pairs
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Diameter of binary tree
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Validate binary search tree
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Serialize and deserialize N-ary tree
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Serialize and deserialize binary tree
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Equal tree partition
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Symmetric tree
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Count nodes equal to average of subtree
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Delete nodes and return forest
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Construct string from binary tree
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Lowest common ancestor
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Lowest common ancestor - when nodes may not may not exist
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Lowest common ancestor - with pointer to parent and nodes as input
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Lowest common ancestor - when N nodes all exist
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Construct binary from preorder and in order traversal
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Find largest value in each tree row
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Binary tree right side view
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Binary tree vertical order traversal
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Binary tree level order traversal
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Binary tree level order traversal - bottom up
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Binary tree preorder
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Binary tree in order
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Binary tree post order
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Convert binary search tree to sorted double linked list
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