Binary Operators Flashcards
What does it mean when a property is closed?
An operator * is closed in a set S if for every pair of
elements a and b in S the quantity a*b ∈ S
What does it mean when a property is Commutative?
An operator * is commutative in a set S if for every
pair of elements a and b in S
ab = ba
What does it mean when a property is Associative?
An operator * is associative in a set S if for every three
elements a, b and c in S
(ab)c = a(bc)
What does it mean when a property is Distributive?
An operator * distributes over an operator # in the set
S if for every three elements a, b and c in S a*(b # c) = (a * b) # (a * c)
What does it mean when a property has an Identity?
An operator * has an identity in a set S if there is an
element e in S such that for every element a in S ae = ea = a
What does it mean when a property has an Inverse?
An element a in S has an inverse a-1 for an operator * if
aa-1 =a-1a=e