Billy Elliot Flashcards
Directed by:
Stephen Daldry
Written by:
Lee Hall
Performed in:
Watched in:
June 2021
Performed at the:
Victorian Palace Theatre
Billy Elliot
Elliott Hanna
Jackie Elliot
Deka Walmsley
Mrs Wilkinson
Ruthie Henshall
Michael Caffrey
Zach Atkinson
“If he hasn’t been…
going to boxing, where has he been going?” Jackie
“Go home…
Billy. Go home!” Jackie
forward to socialism” Wilkinson
“Dancing isn’t…
just about the steps, it’s about you!” Wilkinson
“We could…
still get him to an audition in London” Wilkinson
“You are…
very, very special” Wilkinson
“It’s [the dance show]…
gonna be rubbish” Billy
“But what…
about me dad?” Billy
“All we…
need is individuality” Billy and Michael
after solidarity “what the bloody…
hell’s going on here?” Jackie
“You are banned. -
Full stop!” Jackie
“Do it…
for you” - Wilkinson (hugs)
yes” Jackie supports Billy
How does Jackie become more vulnerable in Act 2?
He sings a song about the death of his wife