Bile ducts Flashcards
What is Mirrizzi Syndrome?
Common duct obstruction due to gallstone in gallbladder neck or cystic duct.
From anterior to posterior what is the order of Common duct, hepatic artery, portal vein?
Common Duct
right hepatic artery
Portal vein
What are the US criteria for dilated intrahepatic ducts?
Larger than 2mm More than 40% diameter of adjacent portal vein Increased through transmission Irregular, tortuous walls Stellate configuration centrally Lack of doppler signal
What are US characteristics of choledocolithiasis? (4)
Hyper echoic
Shadowing ( 20% don’t shadow)
Intraductual structure
Not possible to show mobility
What are some causes of intrahepatic duct stones?
Bile stasis
Bacterial infection
Recurrent pyogenic cholangitis (oriental choangiohepatitis)
Flukes - Clonorchis sinensis or ascaris lumbricoides
What is a klatskin tumour?
Cholangiocarcinoma at the bifurcation of left and right main biliary ducts.
What is the classic US appearance of cholangiocarcinoma?
Dilated duct that abruptly terminates
Poorly marginated mass
Mass isoechoic to liver parenchyma
Uncommonly focal thickening of bile duct wall
What are causes of bile duct wall thickening? (9)
Sclerosing cholangitis Common bile duct stones Pancreatitis Ascending cholangitis AIDS cholangiopathy - CMV, cryptosporidium Cholangiocarcinoma Recurrent pyogenic cholangitis Biliary stents Intramural venous collaterals secondary to portal vein thrombosis
What is PSC?
Idiopathic inflammatory condition affecting biliary tree resulting in multiple strictures and eventual cirrhosis.
Associated with IBD especially UC. Thus middle aged and young males.
What is the classification of choledocal cysts?
Todani classification:
Type 1: fusiform
Type 2: Diverticulum from extra hepatic duct
Type 3: Choledochocoele - dilation of extra hepatic bile duct within duodenal wall
Type 4: Multifocal dilatations of intra and extra hepatic ducts
Type 5: Caroli Disease
What is Caroli’s disease?
Multifocal cystic dilation of intrahepatic bile ducts. Commonly associated with medullary sponge kidney.
Complications - biliary stasis, ductal stones, cholangitis, liver abscess.
What is the ddx for choledochal cysts? (7)
Duplication cyst of duodenum Dilated cystic duct remnant Omental or mesenteric cyst Pancreatic pseudocyst Right renal cyst Hepatic cyst Aneurysm/pseudoaneurysm