Bilaminar Disc Formation Flashcards
On which day does the blastocyst implant into the uterine lining?
around day 5 - 6
What must happen prior to the blastocyst implanting in the uterine lining?
It must separate from the zona pellucida
On which day does differentiation of the trophoblast and embryoblast cells begin?
day 7
each type of cell differentiates into 2 different types of cell and forms 2 layers
What do trophoblast cells differentiate into?
cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts
These will form the support structure
What do embryoblast cells differentiate into?
Hypoblasts and epiblasts
These will form the embryo itself
Around day 7, what are the 2 key roles of the syncitiotrophoblast cells?
- they assist the implantation of the blastocyst into the uterine lining
- they prevent the mother’s immune system from attacking the blastocyst
Why is the blastocyst recognised as a foreign body by the mother’s immune system?
Half of the genes come from the father
How do the syncitiotrophoblasts hide the blastocyst from the mother’s immune system?
They release substances that act on the white blood cells of the immune system to chemically alter it
How do the syncitiotrophoblasts hide the blastocyst from the mother’s immune system in a non-chemical way?
The syncitiotrophoblast cells lose the cell membrane between the cells and form multinucleate cells
There are few gaps between the cells where white blood cells could penetrate to reach the embryo
What cells make up the bilaminar disc?
What is significant about the bilaminar disc?
The epiblasts and the hypoblasts
The bilaminar disc establishes the dorsal and ventral axis of the embryo - the first stage in organisation of the body plan
Which cells form the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the embryo in the bilaminar disc?
The epiblast forms the dorsal surface of the embryo that implants into the uterine lining
The hypoblast forms the ventral surface of the embryo
On what day does the amniotic cavity form?
day 8
What is the first stage in formation of the amniotic cavity?
Syncitiotrophoblasts lose their cell membranes and form multinucleated cells as they move further into the uterine lining
What is the second stage of amniotic cavity formation?
A small fluid-filled cavity forms within the epiblast of the bilaminar disc
On which day does full implantation occur?
day 9
What is the coagulation plug?
This forms due to where the uterine lining has healed after implantation
It is made from fibrous tissue
What happens to the amniotic cavity after full implantation?
It increases in size
What happens to the hypoblast cells after full implantation?
What do they form?
They begin to migrate around the inside of the blastocyst cavity
This forms the primary yolk sac
On day 9, where does the embryoblast receive nutrients from?
Trophoblastic lacuna
Fluid-filled cavities within the cynsitiotrophoblast layer
How does the embryoblast receive nutrients from the trophoblastic lacuna?
Nutrients from the uterine gland will diffuse into the trophoblastic lacuna
They will then diffuse into the embryoblast