BIIC Pathology Lecture 7_Lymphoma Flashcards
What is the histologic difference between Hodgkin Lymphoma and non Hodgkin Lymphoma?
Hodgkin Lymphoma contains the presence of Reed-Sternberg (RS) giant cells.
What does the t(11;14) mutation in Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) do?
This translocation leads to overexpression of cyclin D1, which stimulates growth by promoting the progression of cells from the G1 phase to the S phase of the cell cycle.
What is unique about MCL in the lymphomas?
It expresses CD5 (typically a T cell protein)
What is unique about where Extranodal marginal zone lymphoma arises?
It arises outside the lymph nodes in epithelial tissue.
What are the three sub types of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma?
EBV Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus Mediastinal large B cell lymphoma
Where does Burkitt Lymphoma occure?
It is endemic to parts of Africa and occures sporadically else where.
What is the fastest growing human tumor?
Burkitt lymphoma
What infection is often associated with Burkitt Lymphoma?
EBV infection is nearly all endemic cases and 20% of sporadic cases
What is the characteristic histalogic image of Burkitt Lymphoma?
The “Starry Sky” pattern
What are the clinical features of Burkitt Lymphoma?
Endemic tumors appear as maxillary and mandibular masses. tumors in the bowel, retroperitoneum, and overies are more common in North America
What are the two histologic characteristics of Nodular Sclerosis
Hodgkin Lymphoma?
- Lacunar cells
- Collagen bands
How does Mixed-cellularity Hodgkin Lymphoma appear histalogically?
Classic RS cells are plentiful within a mixed inflammatory infiltrate containing
small lymphocytes, eosinophils, plasma cells, and macrophages.
How does Lymphocyte predominant lymphoma differ from the 4 classic Hodgkin Lymphomas?
Typically expresses CD 20 and fails to express CD 15 and CD 30
How is LRHL differenciated from LPHL?
by the presence of
frequent mononuclear variants and diagnostic
Reed-Sternberg cells with a “classical”
immunophenotypic profile.
What characterizes Lymphocyte depletion type Hodgkin Lymphoma?
It is characterized by a scarcity of lymphocytes, and a relative abundance of RS cells.
What is the histology of Lymphocyte - predominant Hodgkin lymphoma
It has weird RS Cells that have “puffy” nucli. They are called popcorn cells.