Big Data and Data science Flashcards


What are the essential skills in data science and why is context expertise crucial?


Data science requires a combination of three key skills:
* Hacking Skills (Coding): The ability to write and understand code to manipulate data effectively.
* Math and Statistics (Quant): Knowledge of statistical methods and mathematical models for analyzing data accurately.
* Substantive Expertise (Context): Understanding of the specific domain or subject area to which the data applies, enabling meaningful interpretation and application of results.

While technical skills like coding and statistics are important, context expertise is equally crucial. Understanding the specific domain or field allows data scientists to:

**Interpret results accurately: **Ensure that the findings are relevant and meaningful in the real-world context.
Apply insights effectively: Make informed decisions and recommendations that align with the goals and constraints of the domain.
Avoid misleading conclusions: Prevent errors or misinterpretations that can arise from a lack of domain knowledge.

In essence, context expertise is the bridge between technical analysis and actionable insights. It is what makes data science truly valuable and impactful in real-world applications.

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Is big data always necessary for data science, and what are some examples of data science without big data?


No, big data is not always necessary for data science. While often associated with big data, data science can be applied to projects that exhibit only one or two of the three Vs (volume, velocity, and variety). Examples include:

** Volume without velocity or variety:** Large, static datasets like genetic data used in data mining and predictive analytics.
Velocity without volume or variety: Streaming data with consistent structure like webpage hits or sensor readings.
Variety without velocity or volume: Facial recognition in personal photos or data visualization of complex static datasets.

Additionally, certain areas within data science, like machine learning or traditional research, may not always require all three Vs. For instance, word counts in text analysis are a big data task that doesn’t necessitate advanced statistical knowledge.

This demonstrates the versatility of data science, proving that valuable insights can be gained even when working with data that doesn’t meet the full criteria of big data.

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