Big Business And Labor T&N Flashcards
Standard oil owner that had the idea that businesses should enter into a trust where a group of smaller company trustees made decisions for the trust.
John D. Rockefeller
Also known as mother, united to help with many strikes and became a champion for the cruelties of child labor
Mary Harrison Jones
Owning every part of a product development from the raw materials to the factories that make the product to the stores that sell it
Vertical and horizontal interrogation
Rags to riches, mother mortgaged home to buy stock. He then founded a steel company that produced more still than all of Britain
Andrew Carnegie
AKA the Wobblies. Group of radical socialist, unionists.
Industrial workers of the world
Used by businessman to justify that businesses should not be regulated. That the best businesses would survive and the weaker would not.
Social Darwinism
Led cigar makers to unite with each other craft workers to form a larger more powerful union.
Samuel Gompers
Combined groups of different workers into one union and used strikes as a primary tool to get higher wages and better working conditions.
American Federation of labor
Made it illegal to enter into a group that interfered with free trade
Sherman antitrust act
Believed that unions should also include unskilled laborers
Eugene V Debs