Biblical Ethics Vocabulary 1 Flashcards
The belief that one cannot, or at least does not, know reality, or especially, God.
Literally, “defense”; in philosophy, the discipline of rationally justifying one’s beliefs.
The worldview which claims that no God exists; the universe is all there is.
In Hinduism, it denotes the principal and ultimate reality which is identical with all that is.
Christian Science
A modern pantheistic cult founded by Mary Baker Eddy; denies the reality of sin, sickness, and death and denies the unique deity of Jesus Christ.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)
The name of the religious cult founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith Jr; denies biblical authority and doctrine, espousing polytheism.
The belief that God created the world and is transcendent; denies that God is immanent in the world, especially in any supernatural way.
In pantheism, the flowing of the universe necessarily from God.
The belief that man is the highest value in the universe.
God’s indwelling or God’s presence within the universe.
The belief that the universe is all there is; everything operates by natural law (without miracles).
Literally, “cessation” or “extinction”; the ultimate state that transcends suffering, karma, and reincarnation which is sought in Buddhism through the extinction of desire and individual consciousness
The worldview which claims the God is greater than the universe and that the universe is contained within God. God is to the world as a soul is to a body.
The worldview which denies God’s transcendence and identifies God with His immense in the universe.
The belief in many gods.