BIble Vocab Flashcards
Apostles’ Creed
Basic statement of Christian beliefs authored in A.D 710
The belied that God is in and a part of everything
Textual criticism
Examining biblical manuscripts to determine which manuscript is closer to the actual original writing
The science of Bible interpretation
group of books written in the 1st and 2nd centuries B.C that are not a part of the bible
someone who represents a person or group of people to another person or group of people
to be brought back together to repair a relationship
an ancient copy of a document
religious pluralism
The belif that all religions are the same in the end and all lead to the same god
Total depravity
The belief that sin has completely corupted and ruined our human nature
involving multiple different religions
A big story that seeks to answer life’s ultimate questions of purpose
one who takes care of the things or resourses of another person
believing that spiritual truth is is found through personal intuition and not the doctrines of a church or religion
allegorica interpretation
a method of interprting the bible that spiritualizes text in an effort to uncover hidden meaning
God communicating the text of scripture to the biblical writters so that it contains his words not theirs
sufficiency of scripture
scripture contains all the information a person need to live a life of godliness and relationship with God
Council of nicea
church council in A.D 325 where the cannon of scripture was first reconised in its plenary form