Bible Tes 13,15,16 Flashcards
What are the three primary components provided as exercises at the end of the chapter for an individual to determine how effective their personal leadership is?
When developing personal leadership, ___ wrote the book __ to promote the self-serving moral dilemma that it is easier to develop the perception that one has the qualities of a good leader instead of working hard to actually develop those qualities.
The Prince
A compelling desire for some type of achievement or distinction.
A president, general, CEO of a corporation, pastor, principal of a school are examples of what?
Formal Positional Leadership
Taking action to bring about change in your everyday situation by mobilizing resources around you is the definition of ____.
Personal Leadership
The ability to take action that brings about change in one’s area of influence by mobilizing others to accomplish a shared vision is the definition of ____.
Informal Personal Leadership
When an individual believe their life and behavior is primarily ruled by the decisions and actions of other people or outside circumstances, they display __.
External Sense of Victimization
When an individual believes that under the guidance of God their life and behavior is governed by their personal decisions and actions, they display ____.
Internal Sense of Responsibility
What is the primary reason an individual is unable to see the possibilities of what our all-knowing, all-powerful God has for their lives?
They are too focused upon themselves.
What are the five qualities that help to produce informal positional leadership?
Credibility Inspiration Persuasion Empathy Partnership
Who was the person from the Old Testament highlighted in the chapter as being an example of informal positional leadership?
Individuals display the quality of ___ when they focus on equality and mutual respect rather than dominance and subordination.
The quality of __ grows out of emotional strengths and can be developed an enhanced if a person seeks it and begins to practice it.
is built upon the principles, convictions and insights that are developed in personal leadership.
Individuals display the quality of ___ when they can effectively communicate insights in a manner that clearly explains the concept, benefits, and value of an idea.
Individuals display the quality of ___ when they can communicate good ideas to others in a way that they can understand is important.
Individuals display the quality of ___ when they are able to understand and imaginatively enter into the experience and feelings of another person.
Individuals display the quality of ___ when they can demonstrate behaviors in their own life that reinforces credibility and evokes others to aspire to follow them.
is the belief of others that you can make a difference, so they take action to follow you.
What are the five qualities that help to produce formal positional leadership?
Serving Modeling Positioning Envisioning Investing
is the mindset in a leader that places the needs of those led before one’s own self-interests.
is the intentional and regular practice of being able to ask others to perform a task because they know you are willing to do it yourself.
What are the four ways a leader can show that ___ in those they lead is a priority.
- _Spend time with them__
- _Provide adequate resources__
- _Provide access to information__
- _Share__
The quality of __ is the capacity to imagine and articulate exciting future possibilities.
One of the roles under this capacity is that of a __. In this role the leader imagines a better future, avoids boundaries, and allows creativity to run free.
Another role under this capacity is that of a __. In this role the leader helps those led to catch and endorse the same vision, as well as expand and enhance the vision.
Another one of the roles under this capacity is that of a __. In this role the leader provides resources for empowering those led to accomplish the shared vision.
What are the three ways a formal leader can position themselves in relation to those they lead?
This position is recommended to be used by a leader about 50% of the time.
Leaders in this position promote individual development, increase appreciation of diversity, and results in a sense of self-worth in those they lead.
Leaders in this position have authority and are expected to use it.
Leaders in this position see their role as an opportunity to collaborate with their fellow workers.
This position is recommended to be used by a leader about 45% of the time.
Leaders in this position use fear as a motivator resulting in compliance rather than growth.
Leaders in this position may find difficulty in determining who is actually responsible for the follow through of any given project.
Leaders in this position can lull their followers into an unhealthy dependence upon a benevolent leader.
This position is recommended to be used by a leader about 5% of the time.
What are the five qualities that help to produce personal leadership?
Principles Conviction Initiative Insight Trailblazing
compels people in a way that stirs them to want to take action.
Most of the greatest inventions of the world came about through people with ___ who are constantly challenging the status quo with new possibilities and concepts.
People with ____ display an attitude that arises primarily from an internal sense of responsibility.
People who exhibit ___ are not afraid to take the risks that are necessary to reach a better place.
People display __ when they don’t care about popularity or manipulation when taking action to bring about change due to their inner compass.
impels people in a way that transforms moral principles into moral action.
People with __ believe they can make a difference and take action.
People who are honest and whose words are dependable show they have ___.
propels people forward into the actual process of taking action.
People with ____ have the capacity to discern the hidden nature of situations and generate solutions to perplexing challenges.
People of __ believe that if good can be done, it should be done
People who exhibit ____ with recognize a path before others do; travel the path themselves; and reveal the path to others.
Narcissus was the son of the river god ____.
Narcissus was the son of the nymph ____.
Narcissus is the origin of the term __………………,
which is a fixation with ___ and one’s __
physical appearance
__ realizes that Narcissus was proud and disdained all who loved him.
How did the person in the question above respond to Narcissus’ behavior?
Attracted Narcissus to a pool
What was the result of Narcissus’ temptation?
He drowned in an attempt to pursue what he could not attain – the experience of self-love
defines the fundamental purpose of your existence, succinctly describing why you exist and what you are meant to do with your life.
depicts a long-term view of the way your world will look in the future if you are successful in carrying out your mission.
describes the strategy that culminates in you actually fulfilling your mission.
situation with a good chance or prospect for advancement or success.
any question or matter involving danger, doubt, uncertainty, or difficulty.
a system of principles used for guidance in practical affairs.
what one believes to have relative worth, merit, or importance.
a compelling desire for some type of achievement or distinction.
to make clear and distinct
cause to move in a particular direction by or as if by a pulling force.
existing conditions or surroundings.
moral excellence
Frederick Buechner’s quote stating that individuals will find their life calling in “the __ that you need most to do and that the __ most needs to have done.”
Is our call to serve the world an optional one?
In teaching that we are to accept “who we are” are doing “what we are created to do”; the textbook used what teaching on the dynamics of Christians working together?
Body of Christ
We are to recognize which people will respond to us; the textbook used the example of how Paul was effective preaching to the ___, while Peter was most effective preaching to the __.
is an example of someone we learned about early in the school year who was never happy in accepting God’s role in his life.
What are the six concepts in the Great Commission (Matthew 18-20) that guide our personal mission and set the context for our overall Life Calling:
Go Make disciples Baptize Teach Have all authority Christ is with you
What five areas did the textbook identify as the needs of the world that draw us?
People Locations Problems Opportunities Situations that we are currently encountering
see in one’s mind something of beauty, charm, value, or desirability.
mental image representing something in a graphic sense.
purpose toward which an endeavor is directed.
job, assignment, chore, or act of work to be carried out.
ability to arouse an animating, quickening, or exalting influence.
ability to see in one’s mind something that is not real in the immediate setting.
a plan, method, or series of actions for obtaining a specific goal or result.
a line of thought or action leading from one point of reference to another.
We are to discover that vision = __ and that vision ≠ ____
is an individual who gave one of the best examples of displaying a passionate vision in his “I Have a Dream” speech.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
is the ingredient of developing a life-changing vision through the formation of a conscious idea or mental image of something you have never before wholly thought of in reality.
is the ingredient of allowing the voices of your spirit, soul, and heart to speak as loud as your mind and body.
is the ingredient of guiding your dreams towards your own images rather than those of others.
Is the scripture that states “Without a vision, the people perish.”
Proverbs 29:18
In God’s calling to “Open our Eyes” the textbook used the account of ___ to teach us how to see possibilities in situations where we once only saw challenges.
In God’s calling to “Look at Everything” the textbook used the account of Jesus and ___ to teach that life is greater and more fulfilled when we look beyond meeting just our physical needs.
Samaritan Woman
In God’s calling to “Look Forward to a New Heaven and New Earth” the textbook used the account of the disciple ____ teaching the people to be ready for Jesus’ second coming.
In God’s calling to “Lift Up Your Eyes” the textbook used the account of __ to teach about hope and encouragement in the times of despair and discouragement.
In all of these teachings, we are called to “see” beyond ourselves. What is the primary reason we are called to “see” beyond ourselves?
Moves us beyond the temptation of selfishness
List the four steps that turn vision into action:
Establishes direction
Set SMART goals
Develop a strategy
Take actions
What are S.M.A.R.T. goals?
Specific_ Measurable\_\_ Achievable_ Relevant_ Time-framed\_\_
At the end of our textbook, the author concludes that Life Calling becomes a reality and we feel a sense of fulfillment because we’ve attained these three desires of our heart:
His father’s career was: __
Psychiatrist / College Administrator
His mother’s career was:
1st Grade teacher
What did he enjoy doing as a child that was discouraged once he entered school?
Daydreaming, imagining and making up stories
What did he state became the structure of his education?
Acquisition of knowledge / memorization of facts
What was the pattern of life he experienced regularly while in school?
Being disciplined in the principal’s office
Upon entering college, what experience made him change his view of learning?
An English instructor who encouraged him to be creative
How confident in his future was he after graduating college?
Not very
How did the majority of his family react to his career choices after college?
Running joke about the variety of different jobs
What realization changed his career outlook?
No matter what job he took, he found himself helping others
What four key elements stand out as components in the working definition of leadership provided in the text?