Bible Study Helps by Angelo Flashcards
Truth is the shield
Ps. 91:4
Eternal security has “If’s”
1 John 1:7: Heb. 10:23,26-29,35-38
“Once saved always saved”
Luke 8:12,13: 2 Pet. 2:20-21
Example of “once saved then lost”
1 Sam.10: 1-13,15,16; 2 Timothy 2:8 cf. (Philemon 24);2 Tim. 2:17,18
Tormented “forever and ever”
Jude 7: Jonah 2:6: Ex. 21:6: 2 Kings 5:27: 1 Sam. 1:22,28
Hell not yet burning
Matt. 13:38-40
Close of probation
Isa.55: 6,7: Rev.22: 11,12: Hosea 5:6
Jer.10: 1-6,8,9: Haba. 2:18: 2 Chron. 24: 17-19: Acts 17:29
Ceremonial sacrifices and offerings ended at the Cross
Dan. 9:27: 1 Cor. 5:7: Matt. 27:51
Principles of the Ten Commandments before Sinai
Gen. 35:2
Law done away by Jesus Christ
Luke 16:17: Matt 5:17,18: Isa. 42:21: Jn. 14:15 cf Jn. 15:10
Purpose of the Law
Ga. 3:24: Rom. 3:20
Law as still binding to NT Christians
1 Cor. 7:19: Matt: 19:17: 1 Tim. 6:14: Heb. 5:9: Eccl. 12:13,14
Ten Commandments in the New Testaments
Matt. 4:10
Law is perfect
James 1:25(James 2:10-12): Ps. 19:7
Law and the Word in a sense the same
Ps. 119:115: Prov. 6:23
Sabbath is for humanity not just for the Jews
Mark 2:27: Isa. 56:6(Gen.17: 12): Lev. 24:22
Sabbath kept in the NT
Luke 4:16: Acts 17:1,2; 13:13,14,42-44; 16:12,13; 18:4: Matt. 24:20
Sabbath in the new heavens and New earth
Isa. 66:22,23
When does the Sabbath begin
Lev. 23:32: Mark 1:32
Astrologers - mediums - wizards - witchcraft…etc.
Isa. 47:13-15: Isa. 8:19: Duet. 18:10-12: 1 Sam. 15:23
God as the originator of sin?
Duet. 32:4: Job 34:10: James 1:13
Inclusive reckoning
1 Sam: 30:12,13: Esther 4:16: 1 Kings 5:1,2,9
Accountability before God
Acts 17:31: Luke 12:47,48;
No more second chances
Heb. 9:27
God rejecting the Jews as the chosen nation
Matt. 21:43
Holy Spirit as a person
Acts 8:29: Acts 16:6,7: Jn. 14:26: Eph. 4:30
Holy Spirit is God
Acts 5:3,4: Job 33:4
Jesus Christ is God
1 John 5:20: Jn. 20:28: 2 Pet. 1:1: Titus 2:13: Heb. 1:8: Rom. 9:5
Trinity reconciled
Matt. 19:5,6: Judges 6:16: 20:1: Eze. 37:19
Jesus as Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent
John 5:19: Col. 2:2,3: Matt.28: 19,20(18:20)
Jesus as eternal
Micah 5:2 cf. Matt.2:4-6
Jesus Christ humanity forever
Zech. 13:5,6
Jesus both human and Divine
Isa. 9:6
Jesus as Michael the Archangel
1 Thess. 4:16 cf. Jn. 5:25-28: Heb. 12:2 cf. 1 Pet. 3:22
Holy Spirit (same as above)
1 Cor. 12:11: 1 Cor. 2:10,11(Luke 2:26); Ps. 139:7,8
Jesus Christ offered “once and for all”
Heb.10: 10,12
Is God a particular God?
Num. 20:7-12: Gen. 4:3-5: 2 Sam. 6:6,7
Tongue “glosolalia” as language
Rev.14: 6: Matt: 16:15,17